Exchange rate

Tỷ giá USD hôm nay 20.9: Nguyên nhân USD giảm sốc

Nhóm PV |

Tỷ giá USD hôm nay 20.9: Đồng USD giảm mạnh khi thị trường đang vật lộn với đợt cắt giảm lãi suất 50 điểm cơ bản từ Cục Dự trữ liên bang Mỹ.

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates 19.9: Gold prices turn down

Phương Anh - Đinh Hiệp |

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates 19.9: World gold prices suddenly dropped sharply after reaching a historic peak. Domestically, gold bar and gold ring prices remained stable.

Tỷ giá USD hôm nay 18.9: Đồng loạt tăng

Nhóm PV |

Tỷ giá USD hôm nay 18.9: Tại các ngân hàng thương mại, tỷ giá VND/USD của Vietcombank, VietinBank,... đồng loạt tăng.

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates 17.9: Should we take profit in gold?

Nhóm PV |

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates 17.9: World gold prices soared to a record high due to the weak USD and expectations that the Fed will cut interest rates sharply this week.

USD exchange rate today 9/16: Slipping without brakes

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today, September 16: This morning, the State Bank announced the central exchange rate of the Vietnamese Dong to the USD decreased sharply by 35 VND, down to 24,137 VND/USD.

Gold Prices & Exchange Rates 14.9: USD Weakens, Gold Increases Strongly

Nhóm PV |

The weakening of the US dollar and falling bond yields continue to support world gold prices. Domestically, the price of gold rings exceeded VND79 million/tael.

USD exchange rate today 9/13: Unexpected reversal

Nhóm P |

USD exchange rate today September 13: On the world market (10am - Vietnam time), the USD Index decreased to 101.03.

USD exchange rate today 9/12: USD continues to increase

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 12: The USD recorded an increase compared to the Swiss franc, British pound and Japanese yen, but decreased compared to the EURO.

USD exchange rate today 9/11: Central rate continues to soar

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today, September 11: After many days of increase, the central exchange rate at the State Bank today continued to rise to 24,212 VND/USD, an increase of 18 VND compared to the previous session.

USD exchange rate today 9/10: Continuous increase

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 10: On the US market (10am - Vietnam time), the USD Index jumped to 101.66.

USD exchange rate today 9.9: Central rate continues to drop shockingly

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today 9.9: The State Bank announced the central exchange rate this morning at 24,177 VND/USD, down 25 VND compared to the previous trading session.

USD exchange rate today 9/8: USD Index increases

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 8: In the world, the USD Index is trading at 101.19 (10:00 - Vietnam time), up 0.1% compared to the same time yesterday.

USD exchange rate today 7.9: Bouncing back

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 7: As of 10:00 (Vietnam time), the Dollar Index increased slightly to 101.19.

Bank USD price falls freely

Thanh Vân |

At 4:00 p.m., USD prices at banks all decreased sharply, mostly by more than 100 VND/USD in both buying and selling directions.

USD exchange rate today 9/6: Central exchange rate fluctuates unexpectedly

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today, September 6: The State Bank announced the central exchange rate this morning at 24,202 VND/USD, down 20 VND compared to the previous trading session.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price 6.9

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today 6.9.

USD exchange rate today 9/5: Vietcombank and VietinBank exchange rates decrease

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 5: At commercial banks, VND/USD exchange rates of Vietcombank, VietinBank,... all decreased.

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price 5.9

Nhóm PV |

Update foreign exchange rates, Japanese Yen, black market USD price, commercial bank USD price today September 5.

USD exchange rate today 9/4: Central rate increases

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 4: This morning, the central exchange rate of Vietnamese Dong to USD at the State Bank increased to 24,229 VND.

USD exchange rate today 3.9: Reasons why USD is facing difficulties

Nhóm PV |

USD exchange rate today September 3: The USD decreased slightly in the last trading session as investors waited for the US employment report expected to be released later this week.