Vice Principal of University of Theatre and Cinema during ticket sales days

Bình An |

Dr. - Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai used to be a member of the Youth Theater before switching to teaching and holding the position of Vice Principal at the University of Theater and Cinema.

Doctor - Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai used to work at the Department of Theater, Hanoi University of Theater and Cinema, he currently holds the position of Vice Principal of the school. Previously, Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai belonged to the Youth Theater.

While working at the Youth Theater, Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai "experienced" many positions here, from actor, director to manager. He was the Head of the Physical Drama Troupe, then the Head of Drama Troupe 1 of the Youth Theater.

In a conversation with Lao Dong reporter, Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai shared that he always remembers the years of dedication and concern for the stage, worrying about each role and each play when he was still at the theater.

For Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai, those were the years that marked his brilliant youth. He lived his life to the fullest with his passion for the stage, and at the same time, they were also the years when he and his colleagues “struggled” with the difficulties and ups and downs of the stage. For a long time, along with the explosive development of many forms of entertainment, the stage was empty of audiences and rarely lit.

“When the theater was in trouble and there were no audiences, we actors still went out together to the streets and the market to sell tickets. When I was the troupe leader, I also had to run around everywhere to sell tickets. At the Youth Theater at that time, I admired Chi Trung the most for his diligence, hard work, and dynamism in selling tickets. At the Youth Theater, in terms of selling tickets, I was probably only second to… Chi Trung (laughs)” - Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai recounted.

Recalling his long journey with the stage, the biggest mark that created a turning point for Meritorious Artist Nhu Lai was the advice of director - People's Artist Le Hung: "When I was most discouraged, when I wanted to leave the stage, director Le Hung advised me to study directing, that was a big turning point in my life."

TS. NSUT Bui Nhu Lai hien giu vi tri Pho hieu truong Dai hoc San khau Dien anh Ha Noi. Anh: Nhan vat cung cap
Dr. Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai is currently Vice Principal of Hanoi University of Theatre and Cinema. Photo: Provided by the character

Holding the position of director, Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai made new marks in his career, he participated in directing many plays for the Youth Theater.

At the 5th International Experimental Theatre Festival in 2022, Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai received the Gold Medal for the play "To the Other Shore" and the Silver Medal for the play "Oedipus the King".

Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai was chosen to direct the play “The Poison Cup”. This is a very special script, the first spoken play of the Vietnamese stage known to author Vu Dinh Long since 1921.

With his tireless contributions to the stage, artist Bui Nhu Lai was awarded the title of Meritorious Artist and the Third Class Labor Medal in 2019.

In 2023, Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai suddenly appeared in the TV series "Under the Tree of Happiness" after many years of absence from the screen.

With the role of To, Meritorious Artist Bui Nhu Lai made a special impression with the appearance and personality of a thorny, strong-willed character, holding a lot of hatred in his heart. Together with young actor Thai Son (as Tu), the duo of characters Tu - To (Bui Nhu Lai) also created interesting laughter for the audience during the time "Under the shade of the happy tree" was on air.

Bình An

Đằng sau cuộc gọi bất ngờ của CEO Triệu Quang Hà và Hồng Sơn

Bình An |

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Trang Hà |

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Tân Giám đốc Công an tham gia BCH, BTV Tỉnh ủy Quảng Ninh

Nguyễn Hùng |

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Khi khán giả không còn “dễ dàng” với nghệ sĩ thiếu chuẩn mực


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IPA liên tục mua lại, vay mới hàng nghìn tỉ đồng trái phiếu

Lục Giang |

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Hoài Luân |

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Apply new regulations on appointing the number of vice principals

Trang Hà |

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