
The fall of Phuong Binh - a street vendor who is in agreement with My Chau


Artist Phuong Binh once collaborated well with Meritorious Artist My Chau. Currently, his life is quite difficult, and he is old and has many diseases.

Vietnam attends Annecy Film Festival 2025 for the first time


Vietnam participated for the first time in the Annecy International animation Film Festival 2025, one of the most prestigious film festivals in the global animation industry.

Nearly 3,300 international visitors arrive in Phu Quoc by 5-star cruise ship


Kien Giang - 5-star Costa Serena cruise ship (Italy nationality) returns to Phu Quoc pearl island for the second time with nearly 3,300 international tourists.

Blackpink's Jisoo is constantly criticized


Despite her productive activities, Blackpink's Jisoo has been continuously criticized in both acting and singing.

The beauty of border soldiers through the film The People's Delegate


"Deputy of the People" is a film produced by the People's Army Cinema to celebrate the 95th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930 - February 3, 2025).

Overwhelmed by the interior of Thai Hoa Palace in Hue


HUE - Thai Hoa Palace shines with the majestic appearance of one of the important palaces in Hue Imperial City.

Tung Duong's philosophy of life in the "Multiverse"


Divo Tung Duong introduces to the public a new album with a very special name "Multiverse".

Binh Dinh breathes new life into ancient heritage


This coming Lunar New Year, for the first time, the Banh It Tower (Silver Tower) relic site exhibition house in Phuoc Hiep commune, Tuy Phuoc district, Binh Dinh province will open to the public. The event marks the efforts of the management agency in exploiting cultural and historical values ​​for today's development needs.

500-year-old Temple of Literature - Hai Phong examination school in feudal times


Hai Phong - Xuan La Temple of Literature is the only temple of literature in Hai Phong city, where 14 feudal doctors from Kien Thuy district are listed.

National historical site over 1,000 years old in Nam Dinh


Nam Dinh - Gin Temple (Nam Duong commune, Nam Truc district) is an ancient temple with typical historical and architectural values.

Discover the famous "Tang Kinh Cac" of the Nguyen Dynasty in Hue


HUE - The Poetry Library was built during the Minh Mang period (Hue) by more than 1,000 soldiers. This place was originally a repository for more than 70,000 valuable books and documents.



“Why do you keep looking at beautiful women? You’re such a bad guy.” My friend often said this kind of affectionate sulk whenever we sat in a coffee shop.

2 boat teams make history at Ngo boat race


Soc Trang - For two consecutive years, the Ngo boat team of men and women from Tum Nup pagoda (Chau Thanh district) won first prize.

Explaining the attraction of Ngo Boat Racing to Western audiences


Mekong Delta - The 6th Ngo Soc Trang Boat Race, Mekong Delta Region in 2024 has created a special attraction for tens of thousands of spectators.

Nearly 7,200 athletes compete fiercely at the Ngo boat race


Soc Trang - Nearly 7,200 athletes brought many exciting and thrilling competitions to the 6th Ngo boat race in the Mekong Delta region.

Museums in Da Nang innovate to attract tourists


Museums in Da Nang have recently innovated their methods of operation, creating attraction for locals and tourists.

Mong Phu communal house - a unique destination with strong Vietnamese countryside features


Hanoi - Mong Phu communal house (Son Tay) is famous for its hundreds of years of history, along with many unique architectural features of the Northern Delta.

What's inside the Bac Bo Phu building that first opened to visitors?


With ancient French architecture and many historical stories, the Bac Bo Phu building attracted a large number of tourists when it first opened.

What will happen to Hue Imperial Academy after the relocation of a series of treasures?


HUE - After the artifacts are moved to the Thua Thien Hue History Museum, it is expected that the Imperial Academy will be renovated and embellished.

Normal people


The coffee shop where the two ladies in pink and blue dresses often sat and chatted was deserted today, making the waiter feel sad. Around mid-afternoon, two beautiful young ladies dressed in fashionable clothes came and sat in the same place as the two ladies, ordered two cups of salty coffee and chatted animatedly.