Changing farming, changing lives on the hills


Many families in Bo Trach district (Quang Binh province) have boldly switched from growing rubber to fruit trees, bringing high economic efficiency.

Red flesh jackfruit on hilly land

Mr. Nguyen Van Diem (Huu Nghi residential group, Viet Trung Farm town, Bo Trach district, Quang Binh province) and many other families have planted 4 hectares of rubber trees for many years. The work is hard and the income fluctuates according to the price of latex.

He researched new varieties of trees to replace his rubber garden, and found that red-fleshed jackfruit was popular and had a stable price. After learning from the successful model, Mr. Diem boldly bought seedlings to plant.

Initially, he decided to grow plants organically, without using chemical products, so he bought chicken manure from farms and mixed it with fish protein as fertilizer. From the time the seedlings took root until they matured, the plants were regularly fertilized with organic fertilizer, along with completely biological pest and disease prevention and care methods.

After nearly three years of care, the first batch of jackfruit with more than 1,700 trees has been harvested, this variety is favored by people and traders. Since the beginning of the season, Mr. Diem's ​​family has harvested 3 batches with more than 15 tons of high-quality red-fleshed jackfruit; each fruit weighs from 8 to 12 kg. Units come to buy at the garden at a price of 20,000 VND/kg, each hectare brings in an income of about 400 million VND.

Mr. Diem shared: “I also breed to expand the planting area, so every year there will be a new batch of jackfruit for harvest. I am willing to share the model and experience with other families when they have the need to convert.”

Nho chuyen doi canh tac, ong Diem da mang lai kinh te cao. Anh: H. Huyen
Converting farming brought Mr. Diem high economic value. Photo: H. Huyen

Under the guidance of Mr. Diem, Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh (Huu Nghi residential group) boldly converted 1 hectare of crop area on his hilly area to grow red-fleshed jackfruit. This is a crop that is suitable for the soil on the hilly land, so the planting and care process is not too difficult. Currently, Mr. Thanh is very happy, when the jackfruit garden has started to produce the first crop and has a unit to buy.

Conversion and cultivation according to VietGAP standards

For many years now, realizing that income from rubber latex and traditional perennial crops is unstable, farmers in the hills of Viet Trung Farm town are gradually changing their thinking. The movement to change crop structure is taking place quite commonly with many different types of fruit trees.

According to the Farmers' Association of Viet Trung Farm Town, the area of ​​farmers' association members has so far expanded to over 179 hectares. Perennial fruit varieties are the choice of farmers. Particularly for red-fleshed jackfruit, there are currently 20 households planting over 32 hectares, of which more than 10 hectares have yielded fruit. The Farmers' Association has also provided guidance and instructions to members in selecting varieties, planting at the right time and care techniques so that the jackfruit grows well and bears fruit in time for the harvest season.

Ms. Tran Thi Nguyet - President of the Farmers' Association of Viet Trung Farm Town said that this year, the local red-fleshed jackfruit output is estimated at over 80 tons, with an average selling price of about 20 VND/kg.

It is known that Bo Trach district is supporting people to convert and cultivate many types of fruit trees according to VietGAP standards, building products into OCOP brands.

In addition to guiding members to implement models to produce good quality products, the Town Farmers' Association also focuses on connecting, promoting trade, and finding partners to consume products for farmers.

At the same time, the association also aims to implement a linkage chain to expand production and ensure output for other fruit trees after converting the crop structure - Ms. Tran Thi Nguyet added.


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