Road in Hai Duong is renovated after many years of degradation

Công Hòa |

Hai Duong - The road connecting Kim Anh commune and Kim Lien commune, Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong, after many years of degradation, will be renovated with an investment of nearly 37 billion VND.

The project to renovate and upgrade the Kim Anh - Kim Lien traffic route (from Bat Nao bridge, Kim Anh commune to Kim Lien bridge, Kim Lien commune) has been approved by the People's Council of Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong province for investment with a budget of nearly 37 billion VND and a total length of 3.2km. The project is invested by the Kim Thanh district Construction Investment Project Management Board.

According to Lao Dong's report on October 4, on the road section from Bat Nao bridge, Kim Anh commune to Kim Lien bridge, Kim Lien commune, many degraded locations appeared, making it difficult for people to travel.

Tuyen duong bi xuong cap xuat hien nhieu o trau, o ga. Anh: Cong Hoa
The road has deteriorated and many potholes have appeared. Photo: Cong Hoa

Mr. Tran Van Phu (62 years old) - a long-time resident of Phan Chi village, Kim Anh commune, Kim Thanh district - shared that the road connecting Kim Anh commune to Kim Lien commune has been damaged, with many potholes for many years.

According to Mr. Phu, this damage not only causes many difficulties for people's travel, but also poses many potential risks to traffic safety, especially during the rainy season.

"People have repeatedly petitioned for the road to be renovated soon to create a new, spacious road for more convenient travel," Mr. Phu shared.

Ong Tran Van Phu mong muon tuyen duong som duoc nang cap, cai tao. Anh: Cong Hoa
Mr. Tran Van Phu hopes that the road will soon be upgraded and renovated. Photo: Cong Hoa

Ms. Nguyen Thi Tam (63 years old) in Dong My village, Kim Anh commune, Kim Thanh district said that people are very happy because the road is about to be upgraded and renovated.

"Every day, there are many vehicles passing through this route, especially students. The road being widened and repaired will minimize the risk of accidents," said Ms. Tam.

Nguoi dan phai tranh ne khi di qua doan duong xuong cap. Anh: Cong Hoa
People have to avoid going through the degraded road. Photo: Cong Hoa

Mr. Tran Van Hien - Chairman of Kim Anh commune, Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong - said that the road section from Bat Nao bridge, Kim Anh commune to Kim Lien bridge in Kim Thanh district, Hai Duong has an increasing traffic density while the current condition of the road is degraded, the width is only 3.5m long, not meeting current traffic needs.

According to Mr. Hien, the investor of the Kim Anh - Kim Lien traffic road renovation and upgrade project is the Kim Thanh District Construction Investment Project Management Board, which is preparing and submitting for approval the design steps to rebuild the road. It is expected that in October 2024, the project will open bids, select and approve the winning bidder.

Mat do phuong tien dong khien tuyen duong bi xuong cap. Anh: Cong Hoa
High traffic density causes the road to deteriorate. Photo: Cong Hoa
Sau khi nang cap, tuyen duong moi se dam bao thuan cho viec di lai cua nguoi dan. Anh: Cong Hoa
After upgrading, the new route will ensure convenient travel for people. Photo: Cong Hoa
Doan tuyen qua khu ruong canh tac va chuyen doi xa Kim Anh chua co he thong chieu sang ban dem. Anh: Cong Hoa
The section of the route through the cultivated and converted fields of Kim Anh commune does not have a night lighting system. Photo: Cong Hoa

After upgrading, the road will have a road surface width of 7m, paved with Asphalt to ensure convenient travel for people, meet the needs of transporting goods, connect the local socio-economy with neighboring economic regions, gradually complete the main traffic network of the district, and at the same time improve the facilities and infrastructure of the two communes of Kim Anh and Kim Lien.

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