Proposal to review the legality of the case of the "most beautiful villa in Ca Mau"


Ca Mau - Based on the assessment of the Department of Justice, the Provincial People's Committee proposed to review related documents and handle them in accordance with the law.

The People's Committee of Ca Mau province officially sent a document requesting the People's Committee of Ca Mau city to review the case of land violations against Mr. Ho An Tap, the owner of the villa considered "the most beautiful in Ca Mau".

The document also clearly stated that it requested the People's Committee of Ca Mau city to re-handle the case in accordance with the law as reported in Report No. 683, dated September 27, of the provincial Department of Justice.

According to Report No. 683 of the Department of Justice of Ca Mau province, the decisions on administrative sanctions and forced remediation of consequences for Mr. Ho An Tap's violations are not in accordance with the provisions of law and must be annulled.

Can nha cua ong Ho An Tap khi moi phat hien chua hoan thien, khi ra quyet dinh cho phep chuyen muc dich su dung dat da hoan thien. Anh: Nhat Ho
Mr. Ho An Tap's house was not completed when it was first discovered, but when the decision was made to allow the change of land use purpose, it was completed. Photo: Nhat Ho

According to the Department of Justice of Ca Mau province, in the case of Mr. Ho An Tap's violation, according to the provisions of the law, in addition to being administratively fined and forced to remedy the consequences, the profits from the violation must also be recovered. The decisions to handle violations by the Chairman of the People's Committee of Ca Mau city regarding Mr. Tap's violations in the past have ignored this, so they must be canceled.

Regarding the decision to enforce against Mr. Ho An Tap, if the consequences of land use conversion as issued by the People's Committee of Ca Mau city are not remedied, according to the Department of Justice, this case must be land recovery, not forced demolition.

Can nha duoc cho la “dep nhat Ca Mau” xay dung tren dat nuoi trong thuy san. Anh: Nhat Ho
The villa considered “the most beautiful in Ca Mau” was built on aquaculture land. Photo: Nhat Ho

The legal basis stated by the Department of Justice in the report is the 2013 Land Law, Decree No. 91/2019/ND-CP, Decree No. 43/2014/ND-CP, Law on Handling of Administrative Violations; Decree 118/2021/ND-CP; Decree 102/2024/ND-CP.

The Department of Justice of Ca Mau province proposed the following solutions to this case: Force the restoration of the original state of the land before the violation for the 1,303m3 land area; force land registration (change of land use purpose) for the area of ​​2,261m2; force the return of illegal profits gained from the violation (total area of ​​violation).

"In case Mr. Tap fails to implement or improperly or incompletely implements the above-mentioned remedial measures, land recovery procedures will be carried out according to the provisions of law," the report stated.

As Lao Dong has reported in many articles, at the end of 2022, Mr. Ho An Tap was discovered to have built a villa in violation of regulations in Hamlet 6, Tan Thanh Commune, Ca Mau City, Ca Mau Province after showing off on social media the "most beautiful villa in Ca Mau". On January 9, 2023, the Chairman of the People's Committee of Ca Mau City issued Decision No. 82, fining Mr. Tap 22.5 million VND and forcing him to dismantle the construction to restore the original state of the land (aquaculture land).

Nearly 10 months later, the Chairman of the People's Committee of Ca Mau City issued Decision 7309 to partially amend Decision No. 82, not forcing demolition but only forcing land procedures, that is, changing the land use purpose to comply with regulations.

During this time, Mr. Tap paid the fine, but continued to complete the house. After the decision was made to allow Mr. Tap to change the purpose, Mr. Tap repeatedly asked for an extension, to change part of the house because he had no money, his family was in difficult circumstances...


Vụ biệt thự Cà Mau cho thấy thực thi pháp luật không nghiêm

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Việc Cà Mau cho phép “biệt thự đẹp nhất Cà Mau” làm thủ tục hợp thức hóa sai phạm đã cho thấy sự thiếu nghiêm minh trong thực thi pháp luật.

Sáng Miền Tây: Diễn biến mới vụ biệt thự “đẹp nhất Cà Mau”


Sáng Miền Tây 19.9: Diễn biến mới vụ biệt thự "đẹp nhất Cà Mau"; Hơn 96 năm tù cho nhóm gây 16 vụ cướp; Khổ sở vì sống trong cảnh lục bình bủa vây;...

Chủ biệt thự "đẹp nhất Cà Mau" đã làm thủ tục để… tồn tại


Ông Hồ An Tập, chủ nhân căn biệt thự được cho là “đẹp nhất Cà Mau” đã làm thủ tục chuyển mục đích sử dụng đất để giữ lại căn nhà.

Gần 3 năm vẫn chưa xử lý được vụ nhà đẹp nhất Cà Mau


Bị buộc ngừng thi công khi ngôi nhà chưa hoàn thiện, gần 3 năm sau với hàng loạt cuộc họp, căn biệt thự tại Cà Mau đã hoàn thành, vụ việc vẫn chưa xử lý xong.

Vụ căn nhà đẹp nhất Cà Mau: Tỉnh hỏa tốc triệu tập họp


UBND tỉnh Cà Mau thông báo hỏa tốc triệu tập cuộc họp vào ngày mai (27.8) sau khi TP Cà Mau có quyết định cưỡng chế căn nhà đẹp nhất Cà Mau.

Cưỡng chế căn nhà đẹp nhất Cà Mau


Căn nhà đẹp nhất Cà Mau xây trên đất nuôi trồng thuỷ sản chính thức có Quyết định cưỡng chế, buộc thực hiện biện pháp khắc phục hậu quả.

Phó Chủ tịch tỉnh xin tạm nghỉ việc để điều trị chấn thương


Lâm Đồng - Ông Võ Ngọc Hiệp - Phó Chủ tịch UBND tỉnh xin tạm nghỉ công tác điều hành, chỉ đạo để điều trị chấn thương.

Chủ quán cafe ở Thái Bình "choáng" vì hóa đơn nước quá cao


Thái Bình - Chủ quán kinh doanh cafe tại TP Thái Bình gửi đơn khiếu nại đến công ty nước sạch vì hóa đơn tiền nước liên tục tăng cao bất thường theo thời gian.

The Ca Mau villa case shows that law enforcement is not strict

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Ca Mau's permission for the "most beautiful villa in Ca Mau" to carry out procedures to legalize violations shows a lack of strictness in law enforcement.

Morning in the West: New developments in the case of the "most beautiful villa in Ca Mau"


Morning of the Western Region September 19: New developments in the case of the "most beautiful villa in Ca Mau"; More than 96 years in prison for the group that committed 16 robberies; Suffering from living surrounded by water hyacinth;...

The owner of the "most beautiful villa in Ca Mau" has completed procedures to... survive


Mr. Ho An Tap, the owner of the villa considered "the most beautiful in Ca Mau", has completed the procedures to change the land use purpose to keep the house.

Nearly 3 years have still not been able to handle the most beautiful house in Ca Mau


Forced to stop construction when the house was not completed, nearly 3 years later with a series of meetings, the villa in Ca Mau was completed, the case still has not been resolved.

Case of the most beautiful house in Ca Mau: The province quickly convened a meeting


Ca Mau Provincial People's Committee announced to urgently convene a meeting tomorrow (August 27) after Ca Mau City decided to enforce the most beautiful house in Ca Mau.

Forcing the most beautiful house in Ca Mau


The most beautiful house in Ca Mau built on aquaculture land officially has a decision on enforcement, forcing the implementation of remedial measures.