Interdisciplinary inspection team at the Ministry of Education and Training


The interdisciplinary delegation conducted an inspection of the law enforcement work on handling administrative violations of the Ministry of Education and Training.

On October 3, an interdisciplinary working group led by Deputy Minister of Justice Dang Hoang Oanh inspected the enforcement of the law on handling administrative violations (VPHC) of the Ministry of Education and Training (MOET).

Attending the inspection was Deputy Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Thi Kim Chi.

Reporting at the inspection session, Chief Inspector of the Ministry of Education and Training Nguyen Duc Cuong said that the implementation of the Law on Handling of Administrative Violations and its guiding documents has been of interest to the Minister of Education and Training and has been directed to be seriously implemented.

The work of handling administrative violations has been deployed and implemented in accordance with legal regulations and achieved effectiveness; many violations of the law have been detected, prevented and promptly handled; many violations have been promptly corrected.

Therefore, compared to previous years, the handling of administrative violations in the education sector in 2023 and the first 6 months of 2024 decreased compared to the previous year.

In 2022, 95 penalty decisions were issued; in 2023, 17 penalty decisions were issued; in the first 6 months of 2024, 3 penalty decisions were issued.

“The field of work is vast, however the current inspection force is very thin, the inspection staff of the Ministry Inspectorate of Education and Training and the Departments of Education and Training are still lacking (some Departments of Education and Training only have 2-4 inspection staff)” - Mr. Cuong added.

According to Mr. Cuong, the practical implementation of the law on handling administrative violations still has difficulties and problems arising from legal regulations: Regulations on the cost of handling administrative violations must be paid to the state budget, while there is no separate source for handling the violations (verifying information, business expenses, means... to make records), the content and level of expenditure have not been guided; regulations on handling administrative violations in the education sector have not kept up with the reality of violations.

At the meeting, members of the Inspection Team pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of the 20 inspected records, issues that need attention, and recommended solutions for the coming time.

In his concluding remarks, Deputy Minister of Justice Dang Hoang Oanh highly appreciated the preparations for the inspection team and some of the results achieved in this work.

The Deputy Minister emphasized the role and responsibility of the Ministry of Education and Training in implementing regulations on self-inspection of law enforcement on handling administrative violations; defining the inspection authority of each entity conducting inspection activities and requesting the Ministry of Education and Training to strengthen inspection of law enforcement on handling administrative violations for sectors and fields nationwide.


Kiểm tra diễn tập chữa cháy ở bến Cảng Rạch Giá


Kiên Giang – Các đơn vị đã phối hợp tổ chức diễn tập thử phương án chữa cháy và cứu nạn cứu hộ quy mô lớn ở Cảng thủy nội địa TP Rạch Giá.

Kiểm tra vụ đất "chưa sạch" mang đi đấu giá ở Khánh Hòa

Hữu Long |

Khánh Hòa - Địa phương sẽ kiểm tra vụ đất "chưa sạch" nhưng xã tổ chức đấu giá, khiến người dân dù trúng đấu giá đất nhưng chưa được giao.

Kiểm tra sử dụng tài chính tại 22 Công đoàn cơ sở

Kiều Vũ |

Hà Nội - Ngày 29.9 Công đoàn ngành Xây dựng Hà Nội cho biết đã kiểm tra việc chấp hành Điều lệ Công đoàn Việt Nam tại 22 Công đoàn cơ sở.

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Hà Anh |

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Bất ngờ số dư Quỹ Bình ổn xăng dầu

Bình Ánh |

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Đề nghị án chung thân với Trương Mỹ Lan ở giai đoạn 2

Tâm Tú |

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Làm đường vào xã nông thôn mới sau phản ánh của Lao Động


Một tuyến đường vào xã điểm nông thôn mới kiểu mẫuĐiện Biên xuống cấp nghiêm trọng đang được sửa chữa sau phản ánh của Báo Lao Động.

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Khánh Minh |

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Fire drill inspection at Rach Gia Port


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Checking the case of "unclean" land being auctioned in Khanh Hoa

Hữu Long |

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Checking financial usage at 22 grassroots trade unions

Kiều Vũ |

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