Nearly 140 households live in fear in an area at risk of landslides


Ninh Binh - Due to the impact of storm No. 3, nearly 140 households living near Veo hill (Son Lai commune, Nho Quan district) are facing the risk of landslides.

Present at Veo hill area (Son Lai commune, Nho Quan district) on the morning of September 29, according to Lao Dong reporter's records, on the top of the hill (about 10m above the ground) there are some cracks stretching hundreds of meters and some locations have collapsed and slid. On the morning of September 29, nearly 140 households of Son Lai commune are still living normally in this area. The authorities have put up warning signs not allowing people and vehicles to enter the dangerous area.

Mr. Bui Van The - Head of the Division of Agriculture and Rural Development of Nho Quan district - said that due to the impact of the recent storm No. 3 (storm Yagi) and its circulation, Nho Quan district experienced prolonged heavy rain and caused a landslide in the Veo hill area.

The hill area has cracks and broken layers in 2 locations, the crack width is 30cm, depth is about 40cm with a total length of about 380m (location 1: 300m; location 2: 80m).

Ong Tran Song Tung - Pho chu tich UBND tinh Ninh Binh kiem tra thuc te cac vet nut tai doi Veo. Anh: Nguyen Truong
Mr. Tran Song Tung - Vice Chairman of Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee (far right) - inspects the cracks at Veo hill. Photo: Nguyen Truong

"This landslide location has a large and dangerous volume of soil, directly affecting the houses, property, and lives of 139 households and a Thanh Vy church. Currently, it is the peak of the rainy season, the above landslides are at risk of continuing to develop and develop in a complex and unpredictable manner," said Mr. The.

Faced with the risk of landslides in the Veo hill area, on September 28, after inspecting the actual site of cracks and landslides in the Veo hill area, Mr. Tran Song Tung - Vice Chairman of Ninh Binh Provincial People's Committee - signed a decision to declare an emergency situation regarding natural disasters: Landslide incident at Veo hill, Son Lai commune, Nho Quan district.

Accordingly, the People's Committee of Ninh Binh province assigned the People's Committee of Nho Quan district to closely monitor the development of landslides and promptly report when dangerous situations occur.

Implement barriers, set up monitoring markers and warning signs in the landslide area, and widely announce them on mass media. In addition, do not allow people, pets and vehicles to enter dangerous areas at risk of being affected by landslides, especially when there is heavy rain.

Anh: Nguyen Truong
The People's Committee of Ninh Binh province has issued a decision to declare a natural disaster emergency: Landslide on Veo hill, Son Lai commune, Nho Quan district. Photo: Nguyen Truong

Immediately deploy necessary measures to ensure the safety of people and property of households living in areas at risk of landslides. At the same time, urgently develop, approve and implement in practice a key plan to prevent and combat landslides on Veo hill, ensuring the safety of life and property of the State and people.

Follow the "four on-the-spot" principle, proactively evacuate and relocate people and property at risk of being affected when heavy rains and dangerous situations occur. Take appropriate measures to limit the development and impact of landslides.


Hòa Bình lệnh xây dựng khẩn cấp sau sạt lở đường tỉnh 439

Nguyễn Chuyên |

UBND tỉnh Hòa Bình đã ban hành lệnh xây dựng công trình khẩn cấp khắc phục hậu quả thiên tai gây sạt lở taluy dương Km16+350, đường tỉnh 439.

Kè tiền tỉ chống sạt lở bờ sông Lô nứt toác sau một đợt lũ

Nguyễn Tùng |

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Bờ sông Hồng sạt lở đe dọa "nuốt" nhà dân ở Hà Nội


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Công nhân gặp khó khăn trăm bề vì bị nợ lương 3 tháng liền


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Bình An |

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Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

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Hoa Binh orders emergency construction after landslide on provincial road 439

Nguyễn Chuyên |

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Nguyễn Tùng |

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