Director in Hau Giang arrested, heated press conference in Bac Lieu


Bac Lieu - At the 3rd quarter 2024 press conference organized by the Provincial People's Committee on October 8, journalists asked many questions related to a business director being prosecuted in Hau Giang.

There were at least 5 questions raised by journalists about the case of a business director being prosecuted by Hau Giang Provincial Police in connection with a gambling case in Vi Thanh city, Hau Giang province.

At the press conference, some reporters and journalists raised the issue that currently, in Bac Lieu province, there are many projects with the participation of Minh Quoc Company in construction bidding. Will the prosecution of the company director affect the construction process of the projects?

Chu tich UBND tinh Bac Lieu Pham Van Thieu chu tri cuoc hop bao. Anh: Nhat Ho
Chairman of Bac Lieu Provincial People's Committee Pham Van Thieu chaired the press conference. Photo: Nhat Ho

Responding at the press conference, Mr. Nguyen Minh Duc - Director of the Project Management Board for Construction of Agricultural and Rural Development Works of Bac Lieu province - said that currently, Minh Quoc Company is participating in 2 bidding packages and is a subcontractor in the consortium.

"This company is constructing the Nong Truong culvert, which has cleared the flow, the rest is in the process of completion, and has not been affected. The construction package for the G4 and G5 embankments belongs to the Ganh Hao embankment construction project. This project has not yet cleared the land, so it has not been affected. The Board will inspect and urge to speed up the progress of these two projects," Mr. Duc informed.

Mr. Luong Quy Thai - Deputy Director of the Project Management Board for Investment and Construction of Traffic Works in Bac Lieu Province - said that Minh Quoc Company participated in 2 bidding packages and is also a subcontractor in the consortium. "The bidding package for the Ninh Quoi - Ngan Dua Road Project, this bidding package has reached more than 60% of the volume, the bridge part has been completed, the road part has reached the subsidence monitoring part, the progress is not affected. The remaining bidding package is the construction of the DT.979 road, currently the bridge part is being built as the lower part, the road part is being filled with roadbed. Up to this point, the construction is still ongoing, not stopped", said Mr. Thai.

According to Mr. Luong Quy Thai, the Board reviews the progress every week and every month. "During the construction process, if there are any issues that affect the progress, appropriate solutions will be found, such as considering transferring the volume to the members of the consortium," said Mr. Thai.

In Gia Rai town, Mr. Ngo Quoc Tuan, Vice Chairman of Gia Rai town People's Committee, said that Minh Quoc Company participated in the bidding for the construction of embankments with a package value of about 200 billion VND, with Gia Rai town People's Committee as the investor. "However, for about a week now, Minh Quoc Company has temporarily stopped construction," Mr. Tuan added.

The Department of Planning and Investment of Bac Lieu province said that it will review and at the same time request investors to regularly inspect and supervise construction units, not just contractors as reported by the press. Specifically, how many projects Minh Quoc contractor is doing in Bac Lieu needs to be reviewed to have specific numbers to provide to the press.


Hạ tầng mãi không xong tại khu dân cư giữa lòng TP Bạc Liêu


Bạc Liêu - Hàng trăm hộ là cán bộ, người tái định cư sống ở Khu dân cư Thiên Long (phường 5, TP Bạc Liêu) khổ sở vì có nhà ở cũng như không.

Nhiều tồn tại trong giải quyết thủ tục hành chính ở Bạc Liêu

Nhật Hồ |

Qua thanh tra 4 đơn vị gồm, UBND huyện Hồng Dân, Sở GTVT, Sở KHĐT, Sở TNMT đã phát hiện hàng loạt tồn tại, hạn chế, bất cập trong giải quyết thủ tục hành chính.

Bạc Liêu muốn chuyển ký túc xá bỏ hoang làm nhà ở xã hội


Bạc Liêu - Ký túc xá sinh viên có tổng mức đầu tư 260 tỉ đồng từ năm 2013 rồi bỏ hoang tới nay. Tỉnh Bạc Liêu đang lên phương án xử lý.

Chở chợ đến tận nhà người dân mùa nước lên ở Bạc Liêu


Mùa nước về người dân Bạc Liêu dù đi lại khó khăn nhưng không vì thế mà cuộc sống đảo lộn.

Lúa sập đầy đồng, Chủ tịch Bạc Liêu đi kiểm tra


Trên 200 ha lúa sập hoàn toàn không thu hoạch được, hàng ngàn ha lúa đổ ngã, Chủ tịch Bạc Liêu sốt ruột trực tiếp đi kiểm tra, động viên nông dân.

Mưa trắng trời, Chủ tịch Bạc Liêu ra văn bản khẩn


Trước diễn biến mưa kéo dài, Chủ tịch Bạc Liêu đã chỉ đạo tăng cường công tác phòng chống ngập úng, triều cường, bảo vệ sản xuất trong thời gian tới.

Cảnh báo mưa, đường ngập ngày Trung thu tại Bạc Liêu


Mưa lớn kéo dài có thể gây ngập ở một số vùng trũng, thấp; đặc biệt mưa cường độ lớn trong thời gian ngắn có thể gây ngập những tuyến đường đô thị Bạc Liêu.

Chủ tịch Bạc Liêu vận động xây 1.600 căn nhà cho các hộ nghèo, cận nghèo


Tỉnh Bạc Liêu còn 1.643 hộ nghèo, cận nghèo phải sống trong nhà tạm, nhà dột nát cần được xây dựng.

Many problems in administrative procedure settlement in Bac Lieu

Nhật Hồ |

Through inspection of 4 units including Hong Dan District People's Committee, Department of Transport, Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, a series of shortcomings, limitations and inadequacies in handling administrative procedures were discovered.

Bac Lieu wants to convert abandoned dormitory into social housing


Bac Lieu - The student dormitory had a total investment of 260 billion VND since 2013 and has been abandoned until now. Bac Lieu province is planning to handle it.

Bringing the market to people's homes during the flood season in Bac Lieu


During the flood season, although it is difficult for Bac Lieu people to travel, their lives are not disrupted.

Rice fields are full of collapsed rice, Chairman of Bac Lieu goes to inspect


Over 200 hectares of rice were completely destroyed and could not be harvested. Thousands of hectares of rice fell down. The Chairman of Bac Lieu was anxious and went directly to inspect and encourage the farmers.

Heavy rain, Chairman of Bac Lieu issues urgent document


Faced with prolonged rain, the Chairman of Bac Lieu has directed to strengthen flood and high tide prevention and protection of production in the coming time.

Rain warning, flooded roads on Mid-Autumn Festival in Bac Lieu


Prolonged heavy rain can cause flooding in some low-lying areas; especially heavy rain in a short period of time can cause flooding on urban roads in Bac Lieu.

Bac Lieu Chairman mobilizes to build 1,600 houses for poor and near-poor households


Bac Lieu province still has 1,643 poor and near-poor households living in temporary and dilapidated houses that need to be built.