Director of Land Registration Office talks about the recall of more than 300 red books

Hoài Phương |

Binh Dinh - Regarding the revocation of more than 300 wrongly issued red books, the Director of the Phu My District Land Registration Office affirmed that it was carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Error from land verification stage

Regarding the fact that more than 300 Land Use Right Certificates (red books) were revoked in just half a year, causing Phu My District Party Secretary Nguyen Van Dung to be indignant and reflect at the 18th Conference of the Executive Committee of the 20th Binh Dinh Provincial Party Committee, recently, Mr. Nong Thanh - Director of the Land Registration Office (LORO) of Phu My District spoke up to explain.

Informing Lao Dong, Mr. Nong Thanh said that the VLAP project (Vietnam Land Management System Improvement and Modernization Project) is a very good policy of the State. However, the implementation process is still loose.

Bi thu Huyen uy Phu My Nguyen Van Dung kien nghi. Anh: Hoai Luan
Phu My District Party Secretary Nguyen Van Dung made a proposal at the 18th Conference (October 4). Photo: Hoai Luan

In 2009, implementing the VLAP Project, Phu My district issued nearly 170,000 red books, of which over 12,000 were newly issued. However, during the implementation process, there were errors such as issuing books to the wrong subjects, wrong land areas, wrong land use purposes...

Previously, land records were declared at the commune level, then submitted to the Land Registration Office, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment and the District People's Committee. "Errors in issuing certificates stem from the land verification stage of the Commune Land Registration Council," said Mr. Nong Thanh.

"When people went to do administrative procedures, they discovered that 352 red books were issued incorrectly, so we reported to the District People's Committee to revoke them. The revocation is in accordance with the law.

After the red book is recovered, households in need will be guided to reissue the book according to regulations. For red books issued to the wrong subjects, we will ask them to make an inheritance document, and in case of wrong area, we will have to re-measure and then reissue the book to them. The time to reissue the book only takes about 10 days," said Mr. Nong Thanh.

Regarding the opinion of Phu My District Party Secretary Nguyen Van Dung, Mr. Nong Thanh said that local leaders want to quickly resolve the issue to pacify the people, so it is understandable that the Secretary is "heartbroken". However, the re-issuance of the book must be carried out according to the needs of the people. Currently, the District Land Registration Office has provided guidance and re-issued red books for a number of cases.

Recalling more than 300 wrongly issued red books is correct

Regarding the above issue, Mr. Ho Ngoc Chanh - Vice Chairman of Phu My District People's Committee said that from January 1 to July 30, 2024, based on the request of the District Land Registration Office and the request to revoke the red books of the households, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment advised the District People's Committee to revoke 352 red books issued under the VLAP project. The revocation is in accordance with the order and procedures of the land law.

1 so do cua nguoi dan o xa My Chanh (huyen Phu My) bi thu hoi do cap khong dung quy dinh. Anh: Du Ca
1 red book of a resident in My Chanh commune (Phu My district) was revoked due to being issued incorrectly. Photo: Du Ca

"Regarding the records, all cases of revocation have a request from the land user. However, there are some cases where the land user did not discover that the Certificate was issued in violation of regulations and requested revocation, but rather the District Land Registration Office discovered it and instructed the people to make a request for revocation," Mr. Chanh informed.

According to Mr. Chanh, for cases where red books are revoked according to regulations, depending on each specific case, if eligible for a red book, the land user should contact the Commune People's Committee or the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for instructions on registering for the first red book issuance according to regulations.

For red books revoked based on the subjective opinions of the district land registration office staff, land users should contact the commune-level People's Committee or the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for instructions on reissuing the book. If during the implementation process, it is discovered that the revocation of the red book is not in accordance with regulations, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment shall recommend that the district People's Committee issue a decision to cancel the revocation decision and return the red book to the land user.

Hoài Phương

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