Image of Yen Bai mountain town escaping the risk of flooding for the second time

Trần Bùi |

Yen Bai - After moving their belongings all night, people in the mountain town breathed a sigh of relief when they did not have to witness "flood upon flood".

According to Lao Dong, on the morning of October 2, after a heavy rain, many streets in Yen Bai City such as Thanh Nien, Nguyen Phuc, Nguyen Thai Hoc, Hoa Binh, Tran Hung Dao... were dry, no longer flooded.

Mr. Tran Van Nam (62 years old, Hong Ha, Yen Bai city) said that last night (October 1), it rained heavily, flooding up to the front porch of his house.

"Fearing that the flooding would recur, the whole family mobilized relatives and friends to move valuable belongings elsewhere. It was not until this morning that the sky cleared and the water receded that the family dared to return home," said Mr. Nam.

Sang 2.10, nuoc song Thao (song Hong) da bat dau rut. Anh: Tran Bui
On the morning of October 2, the water level of Thao River (Red River) began to recede. Photo: Tran Bui

Ms. Nguyen Thi Xuan (38 years old, Nguyen Phuc, Yen Bai city) said that on the evening of October 1, it rained heavily and the road started to be flooded.

"The family was mentally prepared to fight the flood again. My husband and I spent the whole night moving all our belongings up high. Luckily, this morning the rain stopped and we didn't have to suffer from flood after flood," Ms. Xuan shared.

Duong pho TP Yen Bai xay ra tinh trang ngap ung toi 1.10. Anh: Nguoi dan cung cap.
Flooding occurred on the streets of Yen Bai City on the evening of October 1. Photo: Provided by residents

According to the Yen Bai Hydrometeorological Station, the flood on Thao River (Red River) at 9:00 p.m. on October 1 was 31.66m, on Ngoi Thia was 41.86m and is forecast to rise above alert level 3.

At around 9:00 p.m. on October 1, the rising water of the Thao River flooded Thanh Nien Street and the Red River embankment, in low-lying areas of Hong Tan, Hong Phu, Hong Thai, and Hong Thanh residential groups.

This is the second time in less than a month that people in Yen Bai city have been flooded due to rising water levels in the Red River.

Faced with complicated weather developments, people proactively and urgently cleaned up their houses to escape the flood at night.

However, at 0:00 on October 2, the water level on Thao River had dropped to 31.69m (0.69m above alert level 2); Ngoi Thia was 41.7m (2.8m below alert level 1) and the rain had stopped in Yen Bai City and many places in the province.

Some images recorded in Yen Bai city:

Cac tuyen duong tai TP Yen Bai da kho rao, rut nuoc sau tran mua lon toi 1.10.
Roads in Yen Bai city have dried and drained after heavy rain on the evening of October 1.
Khong con tinh trang ngap ung tai duong Thanh Nien (phuong Hong Ha).
No more flooding on Thanh Nien Street (Hong Ha Ward).
Cac tuyen pho da kho rao.
The streets were dry.
Viec di chuyen cua nguoi dan da duoc khoi phuc.
The movement of people has been restored.
Sang 2.10, nuoc da bat dau rut.
Many areas are no longer flooded like on the night of October 1.
Nuoc song Thao da
Thao River water has begun to recede since dawn on October 2. Photo: Tran Bui

Previously, the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention - Search and Rescue of Yen Bai province issued an official dispatch requesting members of the Steering Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention - Search and Rescue of the province; People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to proactively take response measures.

The National Hydrometeorological Forecasting Center and the Yen Bai Provincial Hydrometeorological Station also continuously update information on floods on rivers, especially the Thao River, to warn of the risk of flooding that may recur in localities in the province since storm No. 3 in early September.

Trần Bùi

Toàn tỉnh Yên Bái lại đứng trước nguy cơ lũ quét, sạt lở

Bảo Nguyên |

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Xuyên Đông |

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Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

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The whole Yen Bai province is again at risk of flash floods and landslides

Bảo Nguyên |

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Xuyên Đông |

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Trần Bùi |

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