When Hoa Binh people donate their wealth and intelligence to build the new rural area

Minh Chuyên |

Hoa Binh - Many people in Hoa Binh city have donated thousands of square meters of land to contribute to the process of building new rural areas.

One day in early October, following the Farmers' Association officials of Doc Lap commune to Can hamlet - one of the most difficult hamlets of the commune, we could not help but be surprised.

Replacing the bumpy, slippery road on rainy days and dusty road on sunny days is a flat, spacious concrete road - the result of the efforts to build a new rural area that the poorest commune in Hoa Binh city has been trying for a long time.

Mr. Nguyen Van Kieu, Vice President of the Farmers' Association, excitedly said: "Many of our farmer members have voluntarily donated land to open this 5m wide road. A typical example is Mr. Dinh Van Huong's family. The family donated about 500m2 of rice land and 600m2 of pond land, handing over the site to the construction unit to complete the road ahead of schedule. In the context of that time, the land price in Doc Lap was "hot", making it even more valuable."

Dien mao moi cua xa Doc Lap khi ve dich nong thon moi. Anh: Dinh Dai
New look of Doc Lap commune when reaching the new rural finish line. Photo: Dinh Dai

According to statistics, over the past 10 years, Hoa Binh City has recorded thousands of cases of voluntary donation of labor and property, creating a new look for the new rural area.

Mr. Pham Anh Quy - Chairman of Hoa Binh City People's Committee shared: "In 2020, implementing the policy of merging district-level administrative units, after expansion, Hoa Binh city still has a few communes that have not met the new rural standards, the locality continues to make efforts to complete the criteria".

According to Mr. Quy, after 4 years, Hoa Binh city has completed 5/5 criteria for building new rural areas, phase 2021-2025. The locality has 12/12 wards meeting civilized urban standards; 100% of communes meeting new rural standards, of which 4/7 communes have achieved advanced new rural areas, which is the effort of the entire political system and the strength of the people.

Xa ngheo nhat cua TP Hoa Binh don chuan NTM. Anh: Minh Nguyen
Commune 135 is the only commune in Hoa Binh City that meets the new rural standards. Photo: Nguyen Hang

"People have donated cash, working days, materials, land, machinery... with a converted value of approximately 110 billion VND.

Typically, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Giao's household in Yen Mong commune donated 2,232 square meters of land, Mr. Nguyen Duc Chinh's household in Hoa Binh commune donated 1,100 square meters of land and 70 million VND in cash to build rural roads, and Mr. Dinh Van Hoan's household donated 828 square meters of land and 45 million VND in cash..." - said the leader of the People's Committee of Hoa Binh city.

In addition, in the 2011-2024 period, the city has mobilized a total implementation budget of more than 980 billion VND.

From an unsynchronized traffic system, mainly dirt roads, graded stone, and internal roads being mainly dirt roads, small roadbeds and surfaces, now, 100% of communal roads; 93.1% of village, hamlet and inter-hamlet roads have been paved with asphalt or concrete, ensuring convenient car travel all year round; 100% of communes have a power grid system that meets technical requirements; healthcare, culture, education, rural commercial infrastructure... meet the requirements of the new rural criteria.

Tru so UBND, co quan hanh chinh duoc xay dung trong mot khuon vien rong rai, ben canh la san van dong cua xa. Anh: Dinh Dai
The People's Committee headquarters and administrative agencies are built in a spacious campus, next to the commune's stadium. Photo: Dinh Dai

In particular, from an average income of just over 14 million VND in 2011, this number has now increased significantly, reaching 90 million VND/person/year.

Of which, the rural areas in 7 communes building new rural areas reached over 50 million VND. The multidimensional poverty rate in the period of 2021-2025 of 7 communes in rural areas is 3.95%. The city has increased the application of science and technology to increase productivity, quality, and build brands for local agricultural products.

Currently, the value obtained per hectare of agricultural land in Hoa Binh city reaches 110 million VND; initially forming a value chain linking production with consumption, especially in the livestock sector; the proportion of agriculture-industry-trade-services is shifting in the right direction...

This is a solid premise for Hoa Binh city to confidently complete the task of building new rural areas on schedule, achieving a type II urban area by 2024.

Minh Chuyên

Huyện nông thôn mới đầu tiên của Quảng Ninh lên thành phố

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Người dân ở Hòa Bình vươn lên thoát nghèo nhờ du lịch

Đặng Tình |

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Lục Tùng - Phong Linh |

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Ôm mộng làm KOL, KOC kiếm tiền tỉ


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Minh Anh |

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