People in Hoa Binh rise out of poverty thanks to tourism

Đặng Tình |

Tourism has created jobs, stable income, improved the quality of life and spirit of people in remote areas in Luong Son district, Hoa Binh province.

Without leaving their homeland, people still have stable income.

From a poor countryside, up to now in Luong Son, many high-class resorts, homestays, entertainment areas, and spacious restaurants have appeared to serve tourists.

Some of the attractive tourist destinations that have been creating jobs for many local workers include Ban Muong Xanh Experience Tourism Area in Bang Ga hamlet, Cao Son commune; La Montana De Luong Son luxury resort in Que Su hamlet, Cao Son commune; Ivory Villas & Resort Hoa Binh in Kem hamlet, Lam Son commune, etc.

Leading us on a tour, Mr. Bui Van Dang (born in 1992, Bang Ga hamlet, Cao Son commune) - Manager of Ban Muong Xanh experience tourism area shared: "Cao Son is a remote commune, so in the past, people mainly worked in agriculture or went to work far away in industrial parks in Hanoi, Bac Ninh, Thai Nguyen,...".

Mr. Dang said that in recent years, the experiential tourism area has been built and put into operation, thereby creating many jobs for local workers.

"I have worked here for more than 3 years, have a stable income and have saved enough to send my children to school, and have money to buy many necessary items for life" - Mr. Dang confided.

According to Ms. Bach Thi Thanh Xuan (born in 1996 - a cleaning staff here), “Before, I worked in sewing, the company often lacked work, and my income was unstable. Since coming to Ban Muong Xanh, my job has been more stable, with a high income of about 9 million VND/month.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Cong - Director of Ban Muong Xanh Experience Tourism Area - said: "The unit currently has more than 40 employees, mainly local people with an average income of 7 - 10 million VND/month.

In addition to helping local people have more jobs and improve their lives, the unit also always pays attention to the mental health of workers. Accordingly, every month the resort will organize activities for employees who have birthdays. Although these things are small, they have contributed to connecting and bringing great spiritual values ​​to workers.

Create investment attraction mechanism

Speaking to reporters, Mr. Vu Xuan Long - Head of the Department of Culture and Information of Luong Son district - said that currently in the district there are nearly 20 homestays and large and small experience tourism areas, attracting thousands of visitors every month. The tourism industry has created hundreds of jobs and stable income for local people. Thereby, many households have escaped poverty, become well-off, with an average income of 7 - 10 million VND/month.

According to Mr. Long, to develop tourism, especially homestay and experiential tourism in Luong Son, the locality has promoted propaganda, invested in infrastructure, technical facilities for tourism and tourism development.

At the same time, regularly organize cultural events and unique local festivals as a lever to promote tourists to Luong Son.

“Hoa Binh province has also had many mechanisms to build policies to support and attract investment in tourism development. Creating favorable conditions for economic sectors to participate in investment and tourism business activities. Thereby, attracting more projects to develop the economy and create jobs for people” - Mr. Long informed.

Ms. Quach Thi Kieu - Director of the Department of Culture - Sports and Tourism of Hoa Binh province - said that community tourism in Hoa Binh province has been developed for a long time and has many unique features such as close natural scenery, unique culture of ethnic groups such as Muong, H'Mong, Thai, ... delicious food, friendly people. Thereby, it has attracted domestic and foreign tourists to the locality. Currently, Hoa Binh province has many mechanisms to build policies to support and attract investors to develop tourism. Create favorable conditions for economic sectors to participate in tourism business activities to develop the economy and create jobs for people.

Đặng Tình

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