Air pollution in Quang Binh worsens


Quang Binh Provincial People's Committee assessed that the air pollution situation in some localities of the province is getting worse.

Risk to the community

On September 24, the People's Committee of Quang Binh province said that recently, the situation of dust pollution in the air in some localities in Quang Binh has often shown negative developments, posing a risk of affecting public health and socio-economic development activities.

According to Quang Binh province, this situation occurs in some areas with a high concentration of traffic, construction, industrial and stone mining and processing activities for building materials. The main reason is that the above activities do not meet environmental protection requirements along with the impact of many unfavorable seasonal weather conditions.

In addition, the burning of waste, straw, and agricultural by-products in the fields still occurs without effective measures to prevent it, increasing air pollution and smog.

Faced with the above situation, Vice Chairman of Quang Binh Provincial People's Committee Doan Ngoc Lam directed units to strictly implement preventive measures.

Provincial departments, branches, sectors, unions, People's Committees of districts, towns and cities inspect and urge project owners, management units, and construction units of construction, traffic, and urban infrastructure renovation works to strictly implement measures to prevent and minimize the spread of dust and emissions into the surrounding environment.

Covering construction sites, vehicles transporting construction materials, construction waste, spraying water, washing roads, washing vehicles entering and leaving construction sites...; promoting and mobilizing people to limit the use of personal vehicles, increase the use of public transport, vehicles running on electricity, renewable fuels, and low emissions.

Monitoring of emission sources

“Quang Binh province requires the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to increase the frequency of air environment monitoring in the annual periodic monitoring program; direct units to operate automatic air environment monitoring stations, continuously ensuring data transmission and connection according to regulations” – Mr. Lam emphasized.

At the same time, organize inspection and monitoring of emission sources (especially sources from waste incineration points, agricultural by-products, construction areas; point sources from industrial production facilities); require industrial production facilities, especially facilities generating large dust and emissions in the area to strictly implement control measures, ensure emission treatment meets environmental technical standards; urge and monitor facilities subject to the installation of automatic emission monitoring and transmit data to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment according to regulations.

The District People's Committee directs the Commune People's Committee and functional units to strengthen propaganda and mobilize people not to burn solid waste, straw, and agricultural by-products after harvest to reduce emissions and dust causing environmental pollution.

Mr. Lam requested units to regularly conduct field inspections, identify and promptly prevent open burning activities in the area. At the same time, there must be radical solutions to fully recover and reuse agricultural by-products for appropriate purposes. Strictly handle violations of environmental protection laws according to regulations.


Nguy cơ ô nhiễm từ núi rác khoảng 25.000 tấn chưa được xử lý


Lâm Đồng - Ước tính có hơn 25.000 tấn rác thải chất cao như núi bị ùn ứ tại Nhà máy xử lý‎ rác Bảo Lộc.

Thêm trang trại lợn ở Thái Bình bị dân phản đối vì ô nhiễm


Người dân "tố" trang trại nuôi lợn ở xã Vũ Hòa (huyện Kiến Xương, tỉnh Thái Bình) nhiều năm gây ô nhiễm không khí, nguồn nước nhưng chưa bị xử lý nghiêm.

Ô nhiễm không khí là kẻ giết người thầm lặng của thế giới

Vũ Anh (theo Telegraph) |

Ô nhiễm không khí đang âm thầm cướp đi sinh mạng của hơn 7 triệu người mỗi năm, vượt xa số tử vong do AIDS và sốt rét cộng lại.

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Pollution risk from 25,000 tons of untreated garbage mountain


Lam Dong - It is estimated that more than 25,000 tons of waste are piled up like mountains at Bao Loc Waste Treatment Plant.

Ô nhiễm không khí là kẻ giết người thầm lặng của thế giới

Vũ Anh (theo Telegraph) |

Ô nhiễm không khí đang âm thầm cướp đi sinh mạng của hơn 7 triệu người mỗi năm, vượt xa số tử vong do AIDS và sốt rét cộng lại.