Vocational training center must borrow headquarters to train students


Dak Lak - Although having to borrow headquarters to perform tasks, the Vocational Training Center in Krong Nang district still always completes its assigned tasks well.

Have money but can't invest or upgrade

Currently, the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education of Krong Nang district has not been able to provide funding to support the repair and maintenance of some construction items and purchase equipment for vocational training.

The reason, according to document (No. 1516) in 2023 of the Directorate of Vocational Education, is that "District-level Vocational Education - Continuing Education Center is not a vocational education facility".

Therefore, the unit is not supported to repair and maintain assets, some construction items, purchase machinery, equipment... from capital sources under the 3 national target programs for the period 2021-2025.

"Because of this problem, at the meeting in June 2024 with the District Ethnic Affairs Department, the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education proposed to transfer the remaining budget of 2023 to other projects of the National Target Program. This amount is up to more than 7 billion VND" - said the leader of the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education of Krong Nang district.

Practical research shows that at the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education in Krong Nang district, the need to repair and purchase new equipment to serve the teaching and learning needs of workers who are beneficiaries is very large.

Meanwhile, the equipment and machinery used for vocational training for rural workers of the unit were invested in since 2010. Currently, they are old, damaged, and outdated, most of which cannot be used, so they are very limited in the vocational training process.

Efforts to overcome difficulties

Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Sang, a contract sewing teacher in Krong Nang district, shared that because there was no suitable teaching location, the district's Vocational Education - Continuing Education Center borrowed a school in Ea Ho commune to open 2 sewing training classes.

"I accepted a class of 70 students. Despite the inadequate facilities, my biggest motivation is to try to impart knowledge and professional skills to the students," Ms. Sang shared.

Co Nguyen Thi Thanh Sang giang day cho hoc vien o mot lop muon tam do Trung tam
Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Sang teaches vocational training to students at a temporarily borrowed facility. Photo: Bao Trung

Despite many difficulties and obstacles in the process of implementing vocational training for local people, Krong Nang district is still one of the localities with the highest rate of people finding jobs and creating jobs after vocational training in Dak Lak province.

Mr. Nong Duc Nam - Director of the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education of Krong Nang district emphasized: "Through evaluation, the agricultural vocational training for rural workers in the area has achieved many positive results. In particular, students participating in vocational classes all create jobs at home, contributing to stabilizing their lives and increasing their income".

According to Mr. Nam, regarding agricultural vocational training, most rural workers after attending vocational classes have boldly and proactively applied science and technology to production development.

Also related to this activity, the leader of the Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Krong Nang district said that in the coming time, the unit will continue to deploy and improve vocational training classes according to the needs of the people and close to the local reality. Thereby, helping people participating in the class quickly absorb knowledge and apply it in practice.

During the period of 2022 - 2023, the Center for Vocational Education - Continuing Education of Krong Nang district opened 9 vocational training classes for 315 students in the area with a total implementation cost of more than 1 billion VND.


Dạy nghề phát triển vua của các loại cây trồng cho nông dân


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Dạy nghề cho người dân vùng sâu làm giàu trên quê hương mình


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Vượt khó để dạy nghề cho người dân vùng sâu Đắk Lắk


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Huyện vùng sâu Đắk Nông chú trọng công tác dạy nghề


Đắk Nông - Thời gian qua, huyện Đắk Glong đã triển khai có thực chất, hiệu quả công tác đào tạo nghề cho người dân và đã thu được nhiều kết quả tích cực.

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Vocational training for people in remote areas to get rich in their homeland


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Overcoming difficulties to teach vocational skills to people in remote areas of Dak Lak


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