Initial information, at around 3:30 a.m. this morning (October 17), Mr. N.V.X (born in 1988, residing in Hai Duong) was driving a car with license plate 34A-490.XX, traveling on Ring Road 3, in the direction of Mai Dich to Thang Long Bridge.
When reaching the CS1/PVD/19 light pole (through Mai Dich ward, Cau Giay district), the car driven by Mr. X collided with a car with license plate 29C-922.XX driven by Mr. D.C.T (born in 1985, residing in Hanoi).
After the collision, the two drivers got in the car and discussed the compensation and called a rescue car with license plate 29H - 290.XX, towed by Mr. L.T.T (born in 1983, residing in Hanoi).
At this time, a car with license plate 20C-2027.XX driven by Mr. P.V.D (born in 1994, residing in Thai Nguyen) crashed into a rescue vehicle.
After the collision, the 4 cars were severely damaged. Fortunately, there were no casualties in the incident.

Upon receiving the report, Road Traffic Police Team No. 6 (Traffic Police Department, Hanoi City Police) sent officers and soldiers to the scene to check the alcohol and drug levels of the drivers; coordinated with the Hanoi City Police Investigation Agency to handle the accident.