Total thyroidectomy for 24-year-old female patient

Mai Hương |

Da Nang - Doctors have just successfully removed the entire thyroid goiter measuring 15x10x10cm each lobe from a 24-year-old female patient.

On October 4, information from Da Nang Hospital said that doctors from the Department of Thoracic Surgery, Da Nang Hospital had just successfully removed the entire thyroid goiter measuring 15x10x10cm for each lobe of a 24-year-old female patient.

Patient Ha T.P (born in 2000, residing in Gio Linh district, Quang Tri province) has had Basedow's disease for 12 years. In the past 3 years, since becoming pregnant and giving birth, the patient's eyes have become increasingly bulging, and the goiter in her neck has grown larger. The patient has been treated everywhere, but because the goiter is large and has many other diseases, the doctor only prescribed medication and did not perform surgery to remove the goiter.

Buou giap kich thuoc moi thuy 15x10x10cm. Anh: Benh vien Da Nang
Goiter with each lobe measuring 15x10x10cm. Photo: Da Nang Hospital

The patient coincidentally had a high fever that did not subside for many days, so he was admitted to Da Nang Hospital for treatment to reduce the fever. After that, the patient was transferred to the Thoracic Surgery Department for further treatment and tumor removal surgery.

Dr. Than Trong Vu - Head of Thoracic Surgery Department, Da Nang Hospital, who directly performed the surgery on the patient, said that the patient was admitted to the Thoracic Surgery Department with bulging eyes, a large tumor causing difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, and low white blood cells due to taking antithyroid drugs. The patient was indicated for surgery.

However, the patient's hyperthyroidism is not stable, the thyroid gland is too large, causing difficulty in anesthesia, and the risk of bleeding during and after surgery is very high.

At the same time, there is a risk of hoarseness, loss of voice and hypocalcemia after surgery due to damage to the nerves controlling the voice and parathyroid glands as well as the risk of difficulty breathing after anesthesia due to tracheal collapse due to long-term compression by a large tumor leading to tracheomalacia.

Therefore, the doctors of the Thoracic Surgery Department decided to increase the dose of antithyroid drugs combined with Lugol's solution, beta blockers and sedatives, and inject prophylactic antibiotics to stabilize the patient. After nearly 2 weeks of active treatment, the patient was scheduled for surgery to remove the entire thyroid gland.

Currently, the patient no longer has difficulty breathing, can eat and talk normally, has no limb cramps and has been discharged from the hospital.

Mai Hương

Cần Thơ tìm cách gỡ khó cho Bệnh viện Ung bướu


Đối với tình trạng quá tải bệnh nhân tại Bệnh viện Ung bướu TP Cần Thơ, Sở Y tế TP đang triển khai song song 2 giải pháp, bao gồm: Đẩy nhanh quy trình mua sắm đấu thầu máy xạ trị mới cho cơ sở cũ và khẩn trương tái khởi động Dự án đầu tư xây dựng bệnh viện mới quy mô 500 giường.

Cần Thơ sẽ đầu tư thêm máy xạ trị cho Bệnh viện Ung bướu

Phong Linh |

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Triển khai 2 giải pháp gỡ khó Bệnh viện Ung bướu TP Cần Thơ

Phong Linh |

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Hoài Phương |

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Tâm Tú |

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Tô Thế |

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Can Tho seeks to overcome difficulties for the Oncology Hospital


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Phong Linh |

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Implementing 2 solutions to overcome difficulties at Can Tho City Oncology Hospital

Phong Linh |

The Department of Health of Can Tho City is trying to implement two solutions in parallel to overcome the overload situation at Can Tho City Oncology Hospital .