Being good at math does not mean being good at surgery or becoming a good doctor

Thuỳ Linh |

"Going to medical school is a completely different journey. The skills of a doctor are very different. Being good at math does not mean being good at surgery...".

That was the advice given by Prof. Dr. Ta Thanh Van - Chairman of the Council of Hanoi Medical University to new students at the meeting of 61 new valedictorians of Northern Medical and Pharmaceutical Universities for the 2024-2025 school year organized by the Vietnam Medical Association on October 12.

This activity aims to encourage and motivate students to study and follow the example of their teachers and seniors, and strive in the coming years to become excellent medical staff in the future.

"You are excellent students, but leave that glory behind and focus on studying now. Entering medical school is a completely different journey. The skills of a doctor are very different. Being good at math does not mean being good at surgery. If you do not make an effort, it will be very difficult to succeed" - Professor Ta Thanh Van said at the meeting.

Tang qua cho cac tan sinh vien cac truong y duoc. Anh: BVCC
Giving gifts to new medical students, future doctors and pharmacists. Photo: BVCC

Prof. Dr. Tran Van Thuan - Deputy Minister of Health attended and congratulated the new students who achieved high results - passing the entrance exam to medical and pharmaceutical schools as valedictorians.

"You have had very good initial results, which is the result of your tireless efforts over many years. This is the pride of not only yourself but also your family and clan, and the hope of the health sector in the future.

However, the road is still very long. Medicine is a very special industry, with special recruitment and special training, so medical students must constantly improve their expertise in both theory and practice. Studying in a medical environment requires students to make great efforts to have solid knowledge and skills.

Thu truong Bo Y te Tran Van Thuan phat bieu tai buoi gap. Anh: BVCC
Deputy Minister of Health Tran Van Thuan speaks at the meeting. Photo: BVCC

We believe that with the great start you have had today, you will study well and achieve good results in all subsequent exams," said Deputy Minister of Health.

At the meeting, the new valedictorians expressed their gratitude to the Vietnam Medical Association and Hong Ngoc Hospital for organizing a meaningful meeting event for the new students.

Nguyen Tien Loc - Gold Medalist of the 2024 International Biology Olympiad (IBO), a new student of Hanoi Medical University shared: Medicine is a special profession, not only requiring knowledge, skills, and understanding, but also ethics and lifestyle. I wish to become a doctor with heart, vision, and responsibility to the community and country...

Thuỳ Linh

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