Lack of geriatricians and elderly care services

Thùy Linh |

Population aging has been a major challenge globally. Meanwhile, health care services for the elderly are limited.

Over the past 10 years, the rapid population aging process has made Vietnam one of the 10 countries with the fastest population aging rate in the world.

According to statistics, Vietnam has officially entered the population aging stage since 2011 and is expected to become a country with an aging population by 2036. The consequences of population aging on the health system in Vietnam include increased demand for health care for the elderly, especially treatment of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and neurological diseases.

At the 5th National Geriatric Conference organized by the Vietnam Geriatrics Association and the Central Geriatrics Hospital on October 4-5, Dr. Nguyen Trung Anh - Director of the Central Geriatrics Hospital said: "This leads to overload in hospitals and medical facilities, when the number of patients increases but the ability to respond in terms of human resources and equipment is limited."

In addition, health care costs for the elderly are also increasing, putting financial pressure on the health insurance system and the state budget.

"The shortage of geriatricians and long-term care services is also a major challenge, requiring Vietnam to invest more in training and improve the quality of health services for the elderly," said Dr. Trung Anh.

On the first day of the conference (October 4), the speakers focused on policies on building and developing the Geriatric system and updated new directions in diagnosis, treatment and healthcare for the elderly through reports and sharing from leading medical experts in Vietnam as well as around the world.

At the same time, the conference will also exchange, discuss and receive comments from experts in building a training program framework for geriatricians, developing young human resources in Vietnam, and discussing the direction of comprehensive health care for the elderly with the participation of Social Work and Geriatric Nursing.

During the scientific sessions taking place on October 5, the speakers will provide delegates with in-depth medical information in the field of Geriatrics and related specialties on prevention, treatment and care of chronic and acute diseases of the elderly such as dementia, stroke, epilepsy, Parkinson's... as well as multimodal approaches and treatments for the elderly.

Notably, the English session is an opportunity for young doctors to present research results in the field of Geriatrics. The knowledge and clinical experience shared at the Conference will help medical staff in clinical practice of elderly health care.

October 1 of each year is designated by the United Nations as the International Day of Older Persons. In 2024, the theme of the International Day of Older Persons is “Ageing with Dignity: The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide”.

Thùy Linh

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