4 months with 2 shocks of an electrical engineer

Phương Thảo |

Since the beginning of 2024, electrical engineer Bui Xuan Hung has twice been on the front lines of key national projects and supported in overcoming the consequences of storms and floods.

More than 4 months ago, engineer Bui Xuan Hung, Director of the High Voltage Grid Enterprise, Ninh Binh Power Company Limited, spent more than 120 days and nights directly participating and commanding the shock force to "overcome the sun and rain" to construct the 500kV Line 3 project from Quang Trach (Quang Binh) to Pho Noi (Hung Yen) to the finish line. After storm No. 3, Mr. Hung and his teammates continued to be on the front line to support the restoration of the power grid at the center of storm No. 3 in Quang Ninh. These are truly memorable memories for engineer Bui Xuan Hung.

Among the more than 1,000 officials and workers of the electricity sector who have been and are working hard to support Quang Ninh province, there are the figures of Ninh Binh electricians. They are the ones who have just left home to complete the task of supporting the construction of the 500 kV line 3 from Quang Trach to Pho Noi.

After the 500kV transmission line project was inaugurated and energized, engineer Bui Xuan Hung and his technical staff and workers returned to their daily work shortly after, when in early September 2024, storm No. 3 (storm Yagi) - the strongest storm in 30 years - made landfall, causing significant damage to the power grid in the Northern region.

Ninh Binh province was also one of the provinces affected by the storm. As Head of Technical Division, member of the Flood and Storm Prevention and Search and Rescue Command of the Company, Mr. Hung stayed up all night to coordinate with units to promptly handle power grid problems caused by the storm.

After temporarily fixing the problem, he was trusted by the Director of Ninh Binh Electricity Company to lead the shock team to help fix the power grid problem in Quang Yen town (Quang Ninh province).

With a huge amount of work including restoring 4 35 kV and 4 22 kV feeders with 164 broken poles that had to be replaced, 50 tilted poles that had to be rebuilt; restoring 130 transformer stations with 380 broken poles and hundreds of tilted poles on the low-voltage grid; the shock team of Ninh Binh Electricity Company organized shifts to work through the night, and arranged meals and breaks right at the scene to complete the task as soon as possible...

Luc luong xung kich cua Cong ty Dien luc Ninh Binh dang thi cong tren cong truong. Anh: Phuong Thao
Shock troops of Ninh Binh Electricity Company are working at the construction site. Photo: Phuong Thao

In addition to encouraging his team members, Mr. Hung proactively contacted local authorities and local electricity companies to hand over the work progress. Thanks to that, the efforts of the Ninh Binh Electricity Company's shock force have created good impressions on all levels, sectors, customers in general and Quang Ninh province in particular.

In recognition of these efforts, Ninh Binh Power Company was commended by the People's Committee of Quang Ninh province for its outstanding achievements in coordinating and supporting the recovery of the consequences of storm No. 3 in Quang Ninh province.

“During more than 10 days of operation in Quang Ninh, I was assigned and appointed as the Team Leader of the Ninh Binh High Voltage Grid Operation Management Team, followed by the Decision to appoint the Director of the Ninh Binh High Voltage Grid Enterprise. Due to the job rotation, there were many tasks arising between the handover of work at the old unit and the acceptance of work at the new unit. I had to arrange my time to both manage work at the field and at the office. Besides, the workload in Quang Yen was too much, and we needed someone to assign and coordinate work reasonably, so I always worked closely with my teammates in the team.

As the last shock team in Quang Yen town, Quang Ninh province, we always try our best to excellently complete the assigned tasks, keeping the promise "no electricity, no withdrawal" to the people here" - Mr. Hung shared.

Currently, Mr. Hung and his teammates are completing the final tasks to say goodbye to Quang Yen land and return to daily life and daily work...

Phương Thảo

Công đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam trao đổi kinh nghiệm hoạt động

Lương Nguyễn |

Chiều 23.9, Công đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam đã tiếp và làm việc với đoàn công tác của Công đoàn Điện lực Đài Loan (Trung Quốc).

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Lương Nguyễn |

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Công đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam hỗ trợ đoàn viên khắc phục hậu quả bão lũ

Trung Hiểu |

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Kiều Vũ - Hải Nguyễn |

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Vietnam Electricity Trade Union exchanges operational experience

Lương Nguyễn |

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More than 1,170 electricity workers join hands to overcome storm and flood consequences in Quang Ninh

Lương Nguyễn |

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