Accordingly, in the first days of March 2025, in some localities of Thanh Hoa province, there were consecutive collective work stoppages at companies with a large number of workers.

After the work stoppages occurred, taking advantage of that situation, some hostile and reactionary forces and political dissatisfactors at home and abroad spread information on cyberspace with many untrue information such as: "Stonats, workers' strikes" to incite workers.
In addition to inciting, the subjects also aim to cause panic and fear among workers and people, creating instability and division internally, posing many potential risks to political instability, order and social safety.
Along with that, many subjects have taken advantage of the situation of workers stopping work to spread false information or provide unverified information, verify, and follow personal subjectivity to attract views and likes, causing panic in public opinion.
Speaking to Lao Dong Newspaper, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Tuan, Head of the Department of Policy - Law and Labor Relations, Thanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor, said that regarding bad, toxic, and untrue information about collective work stoppages, cadres, union members, workers, and laborers need to be vigilant, alert, verify information and not share or comment on false information, causing public confusion, causing negative consequences for themselves and society.
According to the report of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor, from January 1 to March 7, there were 10 collective work stoppages at companies in the province, with more than 32,000 workers.
The main reason for the collective work stoppage at companies comes from workers' requests to increase regional minimum wages, increase shift allowances, gasoline, childcare, diligence, etc.
After the incidents, the Thanh Hoa Provincial Federation of Labor coordinated with the provincial police, functional agencies of the province and local authorities to grasp the thoughts and aspirations of workers, and at the same time directly exchanged with business leaders, promptly resolving workers' recommendations.
Through the dialogue and working process, representatives of the business leaders proposed solutions, thereby receiving the consensus of workers, and the production situation returned to stability. As of the morning of March 8, 10/10 enterprises with collective work stoppages have started working.