Labor agreements in Da Nang are increasingly practical and effective

Tường Minh |

Labor agreements in Da Nang are increasingly practical and effective, creating connection and synchronization in activities to care for workers' welfare.

9 kindergartens signed the agreement

On September 25, the Da Nang City Labor Federation, the Lien Chieu District Labor Federation, the Department of Education and Training, and 9 non-public kindergartens in Lien Chieu District (more than 130 union members) held a conference to sign the Collective Labor Agreement (CLA) for non-public kindergartens in the district.

Some of the outstanding contents in the collective labor agreement of non-public kindergartens in Lien Chieu district include: Building a salary scale and table to ensure the number of salary levels is at least 10 and the difference between two adjacent salary levels is at least 3 to 5%. The time to consider promotion for employees is from 1 year (full 12 months) to 2 years (24 months) of work.

Regarding salary increase, the organization will evaluate the employee's performance and consider increasing the salary every 1 or 2 years for employees who have worked for 12 months or 24 months or more; the employee's salary during the probationary period will be equal to 90% of the salary for that job; during the probationary period, the employee is entitled to at least one allowance such as gasoline, phone, diligence, etc. The employee is also entitled to a bonus for the New Year and Lunar New Year, at least 1.5 million VND/person.

Employers are obliged to organize periodic health check-ups for employees according to the law; provide uniforms or provide financial support for employees. Units must implement 14 benefits for employees including: Mid-shift meal allowance; birthday gifts; holiday allowance; travel, vacation; gifts for marriage and childbirth; sickness and funeral allowance; support for sudden difficulties...

Mr. Le Van Dai - Vice Chairman of the Da Nang City Labor Federation - said: These are the first 9 non-public preschools in Da Nang City to negotiate and sign a Collective Labor Agreement since the policy of establishing a Union of non-public preschool groups was implemented.

More and more practical and effective

According to Mr. Le Van Dai, thanks to the efforts in negotiation of trade unions at all levels, the quality of Collective Labor Agreements is more substantial and effective. The provisions focus on practical commitments such as: Quality, value of mid-shift meals; housing support, productivity bonuses, rest time; wages, bonuses and policies for female workers.

In addition to 9 non-public kindergartens in Lien Chieu district, since the beginning of the year, grassroots trade unions have proposed to negotiate and sign 12 new collective labor agreements.

There are 46 grassroots trade unions proposing to raise the meal allowance to VND20,000 or higher. Notably, in the first 9 months of the year, 100% of public administrative and public service units have organized conferences for cadres, civil servants, and public employees and established people's inspection committees. 68% of enterprises and non-public service units have organized labor conferences. There are 851 units organizing regular and ad hoc dialogues, through which many opinions of laborers have been listened to and resolved.

The City Labor Federation also pays attention to improving the capacity and skills of grassroots union officials. The City Labor Federation has organized training courses and professional development, negotiation and dialogue skills for grassroots union officials. Thereby, union officials are equipped with knowledge of the Labor Law and the Trade Union Law, helping to promote the role of representing and protecting the rights of workers, meeting the expectations that workers have.

“The fact that collective labor agreements are increasingly improved, more substantial and beneficial to employees has created connection and synchronization in the activities of caring for employee welfare of the employers. At the same time, it helps employees feel secure and attached, thereby helping the units attract, retain employees and stabilize long-term operations,” Mr. Le Van Dai shared.

Tường Minh

“Điểm cân bằng”, chìa khóa thương lượng Thỏa ước lao động tập thể

Xuân Hùng |

Thực tiễn cho thấy, mâu thuẫn trong quan hệ lao động chủ yếu liên quan tới lợi ích vật chất. Do đó, việc thương lượng, ký kết Thỏa ước lao động tập thể sẽ tạo “điểm cân bằng” giữa các bên và sự đồng thuận trong
quan hệ lao động.

Để những Thỏa ước lao động không chỉ có hiệu lực trên giấy

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Trong chương trình “Nâng cao hiệu quả công tác đối thoại, thương lượng tập thể giai đoạn 2023 - 2028”, Ban chấp hành Tổng LĐLĐVN đề ra một mục tiêu rất quan trọng, sát sườn với lợi ích của người lao động cả nước.

9 trường mầm non ngoài công lập Đà Nẵng ký kết Thỏa ước

Tường Minh |

9 trường mầm non ngoài công lập đầu tiên ở Đà Nẵng ký kết Thỏa ước lao động tập thể.

Đề xuất đưa Bữa cơm Công đoàn vào trong Thỏa ước lao động tập thể

Tường Minh |

LĐLĐ nhiều địa phương đã kiến nghị việc thường xuyên tổ chức Bữa cơm Công đoàn để NLĐ được thụ hưởng.

4 trường THPT ngoài công lập Hải Phòng kí thỏa ước nhóm

Mai Dung |

Ngày 29.8, Công đoàn ngành Giáo dục Hải Phòng tổ chức hội nghị kí kết thỏa ước lao động tập thể nhóm trường THPT ngoài công lập năm 2024.

196 doanh nghiệp đã ký thỏa ước lao động tập thể

Hà Anh |

Các đơn vị trong ngành Giao thông Vận tải đã tổ chức Hội nghị người lao động đạt 79%, Hội nghị cán bộ công chức đạt 100% (đạt chỉ tiêu Tổng LĐLĐVN giao).

Chất lượng các bản Thỏa ước ở Đà Nẵng ngày một nâng lên

Tường Minh |

Chất lượng các bản Thỏa ước lao động tập thể ở Đà Nẵng ngày càng được nâng lên với nhiều điều khoản có lợi hơn cho người lao động (NLĐ) so với quy định pháp luật.

Israel tấn công, 3 lãnh đạo phong trào Palestine thiệt mạng

Song Minh |

Mặt trận Nhân dân Giải phóng Palestine (PFLP) cho biết 3 lãnh đạo của tổ chức này thiệt mạng trong cuộc không kích của Israel vào Beirut, Lebanon.

“Balance Point”, the Key to Negotiating Collective Labor Agreements

Xuân Hùng |

In practice, conflicts in labor relations are mainly related to material interests.Therefore, negotiating and signing a Collective Labor Agreement will create a "balance" between the parties and consensus in labor relations.

So that labor agreements are not only valid on paper

Hoàng Văn Minh |

In the program "Improving the effectiveness of dialogue and collective bargaining in the period 2023 - 2028", the Executive Committee of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor sets out a very important goal, closely aligned with the interests of workers nationwide.

9 non-public kindergartens in Da Nang signed an Agreement

Tường Minh |

The first 9 non-public kindergartens in Da Nang signed a Collective Labor Agreement.

Proposal to include Union Meals in Collective Labor Agreement

Tường Minh |

Labor Federations in many localities have proposed regularly organizing Union Meals for workers to enjoy.

4 non-public high schools in Hai Phong signed a group agreement

Mai Dung |

On August 29, the Hai Phong Education Trade Union held a conference to sign a collective labor agreement for non-public high schools in 2024.

196 enterprises have signed collective labor agreements

Hà Anh |

Units in the Transport industry have held 79% of employee conferences and 100% of civil servant conferences (reaching the target assigned by the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor).

Quality of Agreements in Da Nang is Increasing Day by Day

Tường Minh |

Quality of collective labor contracts in Da Nang is increasingly improved with numerous provisions more beneficial to employees (workers) than legal regulations.