Launched in the second half of 2024, the Galaxy Ring offered a variety of size options from 5 to 13. However, high demand for larger sizes caused shortages when the product first launched.
This issue has now been resolved, but to better meet user needs, Samsung has just announced the addition of sizes 14 and 15.
Starting January 22, the Galaxy Ring will be available in these two new sizes, with the same price as the existing models. The Samsung Galaxy Ring is currently available for $399.99.
The new sizes will be available in all markets where the Galaxy Ring is currently distributed from February 7, 2025.
Besides, Samsung also expanded its market to a series of other countries, including Vietnam.
Samsung also introduced new features for the Samsung Health app on the Galaxy Ring, including:
Sleep Environment Report: Use SmartThings devices to monitor bedroom conditions, then make suggestions to improve sleep by adjusting the environment.
Sleep Time Guidance: Suggests appropriate sleep and wake up times based on user's sleep habits.
Mindfulness Tracking: Helps improve your health and sleep quality by monitoring your mood, breathing, and stress levels. This feature comes with breathing exercises and meditations available in the Samsung Health app.