Surprised by the abundant nutrients from cauliflower leaves


When preparing dishes with cauliflower, most of us tend to discard the leaves and stems. But according to nutritionists, cauliflower leaves contain a rich source of iron.

Nutritional Benefits of Cauliflower Leaves

Dr. Asma Lone, clinical nutritionist and diet manager at Ujala Cygnus Hospital (India), states: “Cauliflower leaves, also known as broccoli leaves, are often discarded during food preparation, but they are actually good for health and should be included in your diet.”

Additionally, cauliflower leaves are a source of antioxidants that help combat constipation, acne, hair loss, and weakened immunity.

According to Dr. Asma Lone, the high fiber content in cauliflower leaves can help regulate digestion and prevent constipation.

“Cauliflower leaves also contain vitamin K, which can support healthy bone development and blood clotting. In fact, they are packed with nutrients and can be a great addition to your diet,” says Dr. Asma Lone.

Nutritionist Asma Lone further adds that, in addition to vitamin K, cauliflower leaves are also a source of vitamins A, C, as well as fiber, calcium, and iron… The stems of cauliflower also contain similar nutrients and are particularly rich in vitamin C.

How to Use the Leaves?

Dr. Lone advises that cauliflower leaves can be used in making sabzi (vegetarian dishes made from vegetables) or curry as a main ingredient. You can also use them in sandwiches, burgers, or salads.

The nutritionist also mentions that during preparation, you can chop cauliflower leaves and add them to soups or stews, or use them as a garnish for salads. The leaves can be thinly sliced and used in stir-fries or roasted along with cauliflower (broccoli).

However, Dr. Lone also notes that individuals with any specific health issues or conditions should always consult a doctor or nutritionist to determine if cauliflower leaves are safe to consume.

Preparation Method

For cauliflower (including stems, leaves, and core), you should not overcook it as this will result in a loss of many nutrients. Moreover, when overcooked, cauliflower turns yellowish, making it look unappealing.

Dr. Lone emphasizes that you should cook cauliflower at moderate temperatures, as boiling it too much can reduce or eliminate many beneficial components, especially vitamins, that are good for health.


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