Besides providing important vitamins and minerals, chrysanthemum greens are also said to have blood sugar lowering effects, helping to prevent diabetes.
According to scientific studies, chrysanthemum greens contain many beneficial compounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids and phenolics. These substances have been shown to improve insulin function and help regulate blood sugar levels in the body.
A study published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology found that chrysanthemum greens contain antioxidants that help reduce post-meal blood sugar levels. These compounds help improve insulin sensitivity, thereby promoting the absorption of glucose into cells, minimizing blood sugar levels.
Natural foods, especially green vegetables, can help treat type 2 diabetes. Adding chrysanthemum greens to your diet can reduce blood sugar levels over the long term if used properly.
Additionally, a clinical trial published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also showed that the phytochemicals in chrysanthemum greens are able to effectively regulate blood sugar levels without causing side effects, making chrysanthemum greens an ideal food for people with diabetes.
Using chrysanthemum greens as part of a healthy diet can help people with diabetes control their condition effectively.