The reason why the Ministry of Education proposed to rank teachers' salaries as the highest

Vân Trang |

According to the draft Law on Teachers, teachers' salaries are ranked highest in the administrative career salary scale system.

In addition, teachers also enjoy preferential vocational allowances and other allowances.

Ms. Le Thanh Nga - teacher at Hoang Hoa Tham Secondary School (Ba Dinh, Hanoi) - shared that this policy is good news not only for her but also for millions of other teachers. Because compared to other professions in society, teachers' salaries are currently relatively low, while the work and responsibilities are great.

"Because of my love for the profession, I am still able to stay on the podium. However, to make ends meet, there are still many difficulties" - Ms. Thanh Nga shared.

Not only Ms. Thanh Nga, millions of teachers across the country are also waiting for the Law on Teachers to be promulgated, so that teachers' lives can be improved even more.

"Last July, teachers' salaries were improved, but the increase has not really helped teachers feel secure in their work, spending, and living expenses. We hope the Law on Teachers will be issued soon" - Ms. Le Thi Hang, a junior high school teacher in Thanh Hoa province, shared.

Recently, the National Assembly Standing Committee held a meeting to give opinions on the draft Law on Teachers. At the meeting, Deputy Minister of Education and Training Pham Ngoc Thuong said that currently, the regimes and policies for teachers such as teachers' salaries, allowances, preferential treatment, attraction regimes, and social honor for teachers... are not really commensurate with the position and role of teachers.

To solve this problem, the Draft Law on Teachers stipulates salary and benefits policies for teachers to concretize the Party's policy in Resolution No. 29-NQ/TW "teachers' salaries are given the highest priority in the salary scale according to job position, title and leadership position according to Government regulations".

The construction of the Law on Teachers, according to Deputy Minister Pham Ngoc Thuong, is aimed at fully and promptly institutionalizing the Party and State's guidelines, policies and strategies on teachers, especially the viewpoint that "Education development is the top national policy", teachers "play a decisive role in ensuring the quality of education";

Complete a synchronous, unified, and comprehensive legal framework to create a legal basis for implementing the central and consistent goal of building and developing a team of teachers with sufficient quantity and good quality; honor teachers and motivate teachers and learners, create conditions for teachers to work with peace of mind, love their profession, be dedicated and responsible for their profession; contribute to perfecting the legal system on education.

Deputy Minister Pham Ngoc Thuong said that the draft Law on Teachers has a structure of 9 chapters and 71 articles regulating teachers; professional activities, rights and obligations of teachers; titles and standards of teachers; recruitment and use of teachers; salary and remuneration policies for teachers; training, fostering and international cooperation on teachers; honoring, rewarding and handling violations of teachers; and management of teachers.

The Draft Law applies to teachers in educational institutions of the national education system, state management agencies of education, education and training management agencies, educational institutions and related organizations and individuals.

The Law on Teachers project specifies 5 policies in the proposal to develop the Law approved by the Government in Resolution No. 95/NQ-CP dated July 7, 2023 of the Government, including: Identification of teachers; standards and titles of teachers; recruitment, use and working regime of teachers; training, fostering, treatment and honoring of teachers; State management of teachers.

Vân Trang

Đề xuất mới về phụ cấp thâm niên, tiền lương giáo viên

Trang Hà |

Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo đề xuất các quy định về chính sách tiền lương và phụ cấp thâm niên đối với giáo viên.

Xếp lương nhà giáo cao nhất, tránh phải lo nghĩ dạy thêm

Vương Trần |

Việc ưu tiên xếp lương nhà giáo cao nhất trong hệ thống thang bậc lương hành chính sự nghiệp sẽ giúp cải thiện thu nhập, bớt gánh nặng mưu sinh.

Lương nhà giáo được xếp cao nhất và có thêm phụ cấp


Bộ Chính trị đã yêu cầu lương của nhà giáo được ưu tiên xếp cao nhất trong hệ thống thang bậc lương hành chính sự nghiệp.

Tạm giữ thêm Phó TBT Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị


Thái Bình - Công an tỉnh Thái Bình tiếp tục ra Lệnh tạm giữ hình sự Phó Tổng Biên tập Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam cùng 2 phóng viên.

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Khương Duy |

Cập nhật giá vàng sáng 27.9: Đà tăng giá của vàng chưa dừng lại. Vàng nhẫn tròn trơn 9999 phá đỉnh mới 83 triệu đồng/lượng.

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Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Sau khoảng 10 tháng thi công, dự án Tháp Kim Thành ở tỉnh biên giới Lào Cai đã thành hình.

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An An |

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Nhân chứng kể lại kẻ dương tính ma túy gây tai nạn ở Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Đối tượng Tống Văn Hoàng Tuấn (31 tuổi, quê tỉnh Vĩnh Long) dương tính với ma túy đã gây tai nạn liên hoàn trên địa bàn.

New proposal on seniority allowance, teacher salary

Trang Hà |

The Ministry of Education and Training proposes regulations on salary policy and seniority allowances for teachers.

Highest teacher salary, avoid having to worry about extra teaching

Vương Trần |

Prioritizing the highest teacher salary in the administrative and career salary scale system will help improve income and reduce the burden of making a living.

Teacher salaries are ranked highest and have additional allowances


The Politburo has requested that teachers' salaries be given highest priority in the administrative career salary scale system.