Teaching extra tutoring is a real and legitimate need of both teachers and learners. The Ministry of Education and Training also frankly acknowledged that previously the state management of tutoring and tutoring was not tight enough, causing frustrations in social public opinion.
For example, there is no measure to manage tutoring programs, tuition collection levels; Teachers' income sources from non -controlled tutoring, little declaration and payment of personal income tax; There is a situation where students are forced to study more knowledge to take the test, increase the pressure on students and the financial burden for parents.
Therefore, Circular 29 was born with a lot of progress points, abandoning the "unable to manage" thinking in tutoring and tutoring. Actively the quality of education, adjusting the behavior of students and teachers.
New points to note
The circular stipulates that for elementary students, they must not teach more cultural subjects. The circular also prohibits tutoring outside the school with collecting money with students being assigned to teach according to the school's educational plan. That is, teachers at junior high school and high school are taken with their pairs, additional tutoring for their students, but not collecting money.
In addition, if the teacher wants to teach more, it is necessary to register for a business, tested and licensed by the functional industry (conditions for classrooms, teaching programs, fire prevention and fighting ...). The income from tutoring activities will have to pay taxes in accordance with the law.
Another new point of the circular is that tutoring in the school must not collect students' money. The tutoring is only for students with the results of the end of the first semester at the unpasteurized level; students are selected to foster good students; Last class students voluntarily register for entrance exam review, graduation exam review according to the school's educational plan.
Positive influence of Circular 29
Circular 29, if seriously implemented, will contribute to reducing tutoring tutoring. When tutoring is strictly controlled, teachers will have to focus on improving the quality of the main teaching, avoiding the situation of "less teaching in class, teaching more in class". This is also more fair in learning. Students who do not have the opportunity to take extra classes can still have enough knowledge from the main program.
In particular, this will contribute to limiting learning pressure. Students are no longer forced to take extra classes in many forms, help reduce stress and have other skills development time.
Circular 29 also creates a legal basis to handle cases of tutoring in contravention of regulations, changing the thinking of parents and students about extra classes is not the only way to achieve high scores.
Solutions for extra -tutoring to be effective
The circular has many progressive points, but if the quality of the teacher's teaching is not improved, the curriculum does not reduce the load, the evaluation is still heavy on knowledge testing ... Find ways to learn more (in the form of online learning, tutors ...). This may increase the pressure on students and parents.
How to make extra tutoring "go to life" effectively? Dr. Nguyen Tung Lam, Vice Chairman of Vietnam Education Science Association proposed a number of solutions.
First, it is necessary to ensure the inspection, evaluation and examinations of innovation in a substantive manner, reducing pressure. If not changing but still approaching and assessing the content, memorizing knowledge, the need for extra classes and abuse of tutoring has not been able to finish.
Secondly, the teacher must "live" with salary, pay the adequate salary for teachers to be assured of the profession, no legs in the outer foot teaching, tutoring.
In particular, when the tutoring is strictly controlled, students cannot rely on "tutoring to understand the lesson", but must be more proactive in acquiring knowledge. Families and schools must train children to self -study skills. By fostering self -study capacity is the best way to create a strong motivation for the learning process, helping them to develop independent thinking, self -study skills - important factors for success in learning. Practice and life later.