Rice falls over, farmers grit their teeth and rent cutting machines at high prices


Rice fields have fallen due to storms and rain, making harvesting difficult. Many farmers in the West have gritted their teeth and rented cutting machines at high prices, but the harvest is still behind schedule.

Many rice fields in the provinces and cities of the Western region such as Can Tho, Hau Giang, etc. are in the harvest stage. However, the stormy weather combined with the difficulty of renting cutting machines has resulted in the ripe rice not being harvested in time, causing a loss in productivity.

Mua lon lam lua tren dia ban TP Can Tho bi do nga. Anh: Canh Ky
Heavy rain caused rice to fall in Can Tho City. Photo: Canh Ky

Harvesting 1.3 hectares of late summer-autumn rice more than a week ago, Mr. Tran Van Tu (Long My district, Hau Giang province) said that due to the impact of storms and rain, the rice fell over and was harvested late, so the yield was reduced. Meanwhile, the price of renting a cutting machine increased from 50,000 - 100,000 VND/cong (1 cong = 1,000 square meters), depending on the level of fallen rice.

“The longer I leave it, the higher the loss of rice will be and I will have to spend more money to pump water into the field, so I had to rent a cutter for 380,000 VND/cong, 50,000 VND/cong higher than last year, to harvest early. However, I had to harvest 10 days later than planned. The cutter could not harvest all the fallen areas, so the yield decreased by about 100kg/cong,” said Mr. Tu.

With the price of Dai Thom 8 rice purchased by traders at 8,000 VND/kg, the yield is 600 kg/cong, after deducting all production and harvesting costs, Mr. Tu estimates the profit this crop is only over 1 million VND/cong.

Through the review of the agricultural sector of Hau Giang province, farmers in the province have harvested more than 73,000 hectares out of a total of nearly 74,200 hectares of Summer-Autumn rice that have been planted, with an estimated average yield of 6.19 tons/ha. Currently, the area of ​​Summer-Autumn rice that has not been harvested is only in Long My district. Accordingly, people are taking advantage of speeding up the rice cutting process when the weather is favorable to reduce yield losses.

Lua do nga gay kho khan cho viec thu hoach, chi phi thue may cat tang cao. Anh: Bich Ngoc
Fallen rice makes harvesting difficult, increasing the cost of renting cutting machines. Photo: Bich Ngoc

In Can Tho, farmers are also facing slow rice harvest progress due to a shortage of cutting machines, causing loss of productivity and reduced profits.

To harvest 3.5 hectares of Autumn-Winter rice, Ms. Ho Thi Nhien (Thoi Lai district, Can Tho city) had to spend 400,000 VND/cong to rent a cutting machine: "If last year, the price to rent a cutting machine was only 330,000 VND/cong, now it costs 400,000 VND/cong to get a place to cut. Even though the price is high, I had to beg and wait a whole week to get a cutting machine. Falling rice plus slow harvest progress caused the yield to be only nearly 700kg/cong."

According to Ms. Nhien, compared to last year, this crop's profit has decreased a lot due to lost productivity, increased harvesting costs, but the price that traders buy has decreased by 800 VND/kg.

“Last year, the price of rice skyrocketed, I sold it for 8,000 VND/kg. This year, I begged a lot to get the price at 7,200 VND/kg, after paying the production costs, I only made a profit of 1.5 - 2 million VND/cong. But if I don't sell, the storm situation is complicated, I'm afraid I'll lose everything,” said Ms. Nhien.

According to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Can Tho, this year's Autumn-Winter crop, the whole city planted more than 68,500 hectares, exceeding the plan by 8%. In the face of the complicated forecast of rain and flood, to proactively respond, the agricultural sector recommends that people apply balanced fertilizers, do not apply excess nitrogen, increase potassium fertilizers and supplement elements to limit lodging during the rainy and stormy season. People also need to apply the solution of alternating flooding and drying in water management.

Localities are also advised to proactively reinforce embankments, clean irrigation systems and water pumping equipment, promptly respond to extreme weather; proactively arrange machinery and means of transport during the concentrated harvest period, and limit the impact of stormy weather.


Lúa sập đầy đồng, Chủ tịch Bạc Liêu đi kiểm tra


Trên 200 ha lúa sập hoàn toàn không thu hoạch được, hàng ngàn ha lúa đổ ngã, Chủ tịch Bạc Liêu sốt ruột trực tiếp đi kiểm tra, động viên nông dân.

Triều cường chồng mưa lũ, nông dân túc trực bơm nước cứu lúa


Sau ảnh hưởng của bão số 3, nhiều diện tích lúa, hoa màu của nông dân miền Tây tiếp tục bị đe dọa bởi mưa giông cùng triều cường.

Người dân ở Ninh Bình hối hả ra đồng cứu lúa bị ngập úng


Ngày 14.9, tranh thủ thời tiết nắng ráo, người dân vùng lũ tại xã Lạc Vân, huyện Nho Quan (Ninh Bình) ra đồng gặt lúa bị ngập úng.

Nghìn hecta lúa đổ ngã, nông dân như ngồi trên lửa


Ảnh hưởng của mưa lớn kéo dài khiến nông dân như ngồi trên lửa vì diện tích lúa đổ ngã, gây thất thoát năng suất sau thu hoạch.

Hiện trường cướp ô tô gây tai nạn liên hoàn ở Cần Thơ


Cần Thơ - Một đối tượng nghi sử dụng ma túy đã cướp ô tô tải gây tai nạn liên hoàn tại khu vực trước cổng Khu Công nghiệp Trà Nóc, quận Bình Thủy, TP Cần Thơ.

Biểu tượng tâm linh 70 tỉ đồng đang thi công ở Lào Cai

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Sau khoảng 10 tháng thi công, dự án Tháp Kim Thành ở tỉnh biên giới Lào Cai đã thành hình.

Cục Thuế Bình Định cưỡng chế nợ thuế đối với Bamboo Airways

Hoài Phương |

Theo Cục Thuế tỉnh Bình Định, trường hợp Bamboo Airways không nộp đủ số tiền thuế nợ, Cục sẽ cưỡng chế ngừng sử dụng hóa đơn đối với công ty này.

Thêm một thi thể mất tích tại Làng Nủ được tìm thấy

Đinh Đại |

Lào Cai - Sau hơn 2 tuần tìm kiếm, lực lượng chức năng đã tìm thấy một thi thể mất tích do lũ quét xảy ra tại thôn Làng Nủ, xã Phúc Khánh, huyện Bảo Yên.

Rice fields are full of collapsed rice, Chairman of Bac Lieu goes to inspect


Over 200 hectares of rice were completely destroyed and could not be harvested. Thousands of hectares of rice fell down. The Chairman of Bac Lieu was anxious and went directly to inspect and encourage the farmers.

High tides overlap floods, farmers are on duty pumping water to save rice


After the impact of storm No. 3, many rice and crop areas of farmers in the West continue to be threatened by thunderstorms and high tides.

People in Ninh Binh rushed to the fields to save flooded rice


On September 14, taking advantage of the sunny weather, people in flooded areas in Lac Van commune, Nho Quan district (Ninh Binh) went to the flooded rice fields to harvest rice.

Thousands of hectares of rice collapsed, farmers felt like they were sitting on fire


The impact of prolonged heavy rain makes farmers feel like they are sitting on fire because the rice area collapses, causing post-harvest yield loss.