Efforts to maintain traditional bamboo and rattan weaving in Dien Bien


Bamboo and rattan weaving is a traditional profession in Na Tau commune, Dien Bien Phu city, Dien Bien province, however, to maintain this profession, people still face many difficulties.

With skillful hands, people of Na Tau commune, Dien Bien Phu city, Dien Bien province have turned rattan and bamboo into sophisticated handicraft products. This traditional craft not only helps preserve the national cultural identity but also brings a stable source of income for each family.

With nearly 50 years of experience in the traditional craft of bamboo and rattan weaving, Mr. Quang Van Phich - Na Tau 1 village, Na Tau commune, Dien Bien Phu city - said: "The craft of bamboo and rattan weaving has been with me since I was a child. Each product made carries the passion of the craftsman. Although life has changed a lot, this craft is still passed down from generation to generation in my family."

Nghe may tre dan da gop phan tang thu nhap cho ong Quang Van Phich. Anh: Quang Dat
Bamboo and rattan weaving has contributed to increasing income for Mr. Quang Van Phich. Photo: Quang Dat

With his skillful hands, Mr. Phich has created extremely sophisticated rattan and bamboo products, from simple baskets and trays to elaborate chairs and dining trays. His products are not only popular with the people of the province but also sought after by tourists from all over the world.

The price of the products varies from 10,000 VND to 400,000 VND depending on the type. There are especially high-end products such as rattan rice trays that are sold for 1.5 million VND.

San pham may tre dan co gia ban dao dong tu 10.000 den 400.000 dong. Anh: Quang Dat
Bamboo and rattan products are priced from 10,000 to 400,000 VND. Photo: Quang Dat

With the level of maintaining regular production like some families in Na Tau 1 village, Na Tau commune today, the average income reaches about more than 3 million VND/person/month from the bamboo and rattan weaving profession. Thanks to that, the lives of many people have improved significantly.

However, according to Mr. Phich, the bamboo and rattan weaving profession is currently facing many difficulties. Raw materials are increasingly scarce and especially there is a shortage of young human resources. Many young people today are not very interested in the traditional profession, looking for other jobs with more stable income.

Moi san pham may tre dan deu duoc lam ti mi tu ban tay nguoi tho. Anh: Quang Dat
Each rattan and bamboo product is meticulously crafted by the craftsman's hands. Photo: Quang Dat

With the efforts to maintain the values ​​left by our ancestors, in October 2022, the bamboo and rattan weaving craft in Na Tau 1 village, Na Tau commune, Dien Bien Phu city was recognized as a "traditional craft village" by the People's Committee of Dien Bien province. This is considered an important milestone, affirming the value of traditional handicrafts and creating motivation for local people.

Mr. Lo Van Cuong - Chairman of Na Tau Bamboo and Rattan Cooperative, said: "Currently, the cooperative has 20 members. However, to maintain and develop the profession, we have encountered many difficulties, such as: lack of human resources, finding a stable consumer market and especially limited investment capital".

According to Mr. Cuong, aware of the limitations, the cooperative has proactively sought many solutions. Including participating in fairs and exhibitions to help Na Tau rattan and bamboo products get closer to consumers. At the same time, it continues to focus on improving product quality and diversifying designs to meet market demand.


Điện Biên di dời cột điện sau phản ánh của Báo Lao Động


Cột điện bị “bỏ quên” giữa đường ngay tại trung tâm TP Điện Biên Phủ, tỉnh Điện Biên đã được di dời.

Xóa nợ, khoanh nợ cho nhiều người dân vùng lũ Điện Biên


Đã có nhiều hộ dân tại vùng lũ Mường Pồn (huyện Điện Biên, tỉnh Điện Biên) được xóa nợ, khoanh nợ và cho vay để phục hồi sản xuất sau lũ quét.

Làng nghề mây tre đan hối hả những ngày cận Tết


Những ngày này, làng nghề mây, tre đan Phú Vinh (xã Phú Nghĩa, huyện Chương Mỹ, Hà Nội) tất bật cho những đơn hàng cuối năm trước khi nghỉ Tết.

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2 cửa hàng SJC tại Đà Nẵng "tạm ngưng giao dịch" 2 ngày không rõ lý do

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Đà Nẵng - Công ty vàng bạc đá quý Sài Gòn - SJC đóng 2 cửa hàng, tạm dừng giao dịch.

Giải pháp xử lý giun ngoi kín đất ở Tuyên Quang

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Sau nhiều năm, rùa biển lại xuất hiện ở vịnh Nha Trang

Hữu Long |

Khánh Hòa - Rùa biển xuất hiện tại vùng biển Hòn Mun (vịnh Nha Trang) cho thấy chất lượng môi trường biển khu vực này đang có chuyển biến tích cực.

Choáng váng khi giá đất nền vùng ven Hà Nội "nhảy múa"

Thu Giang |

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Debt cancellation and debt forgiveness for many people in the flood-hit areas of Dien Bien


Many households in the Muong Pon flood area (Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province) have had their debts cleared, rescheduled and given loans to restore production after the flash flood.

Làng nghề mây tre đan hối hả những ngày cận Tết


Những ngày này, làng nghề mây, tre đan Phú Vinh (xã Phú Nghĩa, huyện Chương Mỹ, Hà Nội) tất bật cho những đơn hàng cuối năm trước khi nghỉ Tết.