Spirit of service in Viettel's 2G to 4G conversion campaign

Mimi Trần |

In early September 2024, Viettel still had nearly 1 million customers using 2G phones, a significant decrease compared to the 8 million at the beginning of the year. The efforts in the final stage to ensure that 100% of customers do not have their communication interrupted when the whole country officially stops providing 2G services most comprehensively reflect Viettel's spirit of service. This is even more meaningful when placed in the context of the network operator aiming to celebrate 20 years of mobile service business (October 15, 2004 - October 15, 2024).

Upon receiving the direction of the Ministry of Information and Communications on the policy of turning off 2G waves, Viettel immediately took action to implement it in 2023. Within just 1 year, Viettel added 6,000 new 4G broadcasting stations, increasing the bandwidth and capacity of 53,000 other 4G stations. Thanks to that, more than 4 million people in remote areas,... have 4G waves, ensuring that they will not be "no signal" if 2G is turned off.

“If you convert a 2G device to 4G without 4G signal, customers will not be able to use the Internet or 4G infrastructure. At that time, 4G devices will not be different from 2G devices. Therefore, ensuring 4G signal quality is one of the important tasks in converting customers to the digital environment,” said Mr. Cao Anh Son, General Director of Viettel Telecom.

Ong Cao Anh Son- Tong Giam doc Viettel Telecom: Dam bao vung phu 4G la mot trong nhung nhiem vu quan trong de chuyen doi khach hang len moi truong so. Anh: Viettel
Mr. Cao Anh Son - General Director of Viettel Telecom: Ensuring 4G coverage is one of the important tasks to convert customers to the digital environment. Photo: Viettel

This is a great effort because most of the newly developed stations have complex terrain, are difficult to deploy, and are sparsely populated. The 2G network has been developed for 20 years, the technical characteristics of 2G waves have a very large coverage area, so they are easy to access. For 4G waves to completely "replace" 2G, the technical force needs to calculate and survey in detail not only a broadcasting location, but also optimize the surrounding stations to ensure that they are suitable for the population and terrain. In 2024, Viettel has completed the same amount of work as the previous 3 years combined. The 4G infrastructure is ready, but it is only the tip of the iceberg.

2G to 4G: Breaking Consumer Stereotypes

After much persuasion, Mr. Bui Hung Long, 81 years old, in Thuong Tin (Hanoi) also listened to his children and grandchildren to put away his "still good" Nokia to switch to a new smartphone with 4G. He sat down and wrote down each phone number from his old phone in a small notebook, while writing: "I'm used to using this, when a phone call comes, the bell rings, I just need to press the green button to answer, it's a habit". But when his son "threatened" that he would no longer be able to use 2G, he switched to a new phone. However, he did not switch to a 4G phone with keys, but instead used a touch screen smartphone because the letters were large and easy to read. Although he still had to get used to opening the screen, or swiping to receive calls, he gradually liked the new phone because he could watch the Russia-Ukraine war situation all day on YouTube, or make "free" video calls to friends and children. The new experience helped him accept the inconveniences caused by changing habits.

Can bo nhan vien Viettel huyen Con Cuong hop trien khai cong tac ho tro khach hang chuyen doi len 4G. Anh: Viettel
Viettel staff in Con Cuong district held a meeting to deploy customer support for switching to 4G. Photo: Viettel

Convincing customers like Mr. Long to switch is a big challenge that Viettel faces in its campaign to bring customers from 2G to 4G. Those who are still loyal to 2G-only phones have relatively special circumstances, including: the elderly who are reluctant to change, people who are less interested in technology and have no need, or people with limited finances who do not want to spend more money on a new phone. Although they account for a small percentage of the total number of customers, the need for connectivity of these customers is very legitimate and necessary.

To serve the campaign, Viettel Telecom has organized a nationwide conversion channel. In the accelerated time, the company deployed up to 12,000 4G conversion support points to villages and communes so that people do not have to go far. Viettel also cooperated with store chains such as Mobile World, Dien May Xanh, Viettel Store, ... and local phone store chains to support customers most conveniently.

Mot diem ho tro chuyen doi 4G luu dong cua Viettel Binh Dinh. Anh: Viettel
A mobile 4G conversion support point of Viettel Binh Dinh. Photo: Viettel

But that was not enough. In Mr. Long’s case, the consultant called many times, but he still did not want to part with his old phone. Only when he shared the information with his son, and it was verified, and Viettel staff gave him detailed instructions, did he agree to “upgrade” his means of communication.

It takes a lot of effort to convince customers to change their usage habits. Viettel Telecom cooperates with the community digital transformation team to popularize digital skills for people, experience online news, watch free TV on TV360 application, online payment, etc.

The final sprint is fierce so that no one is left behind.

In sync with activities to promote customer conversion, millions of cheap 4G phones are also prepared by Viettel Telecom for customers to choose from. Diverse phone lines from 4G push-button phones to famous brand smartphones all come with subsidy policies or are sold at 0 VND if customers register with a monthly package. Customers who successfully convert to 4G will also receive additional data, 01 year of using the TV360 TV viewing application (for smartphones) or free calling minutes for basic calling devices.

Nhan vien Viettel tu van khach hang la nguoi cao tuoi lua chon may 4G phu hop. Anh: Viettel
Viettel staff advises elderly customers on choosing a suitable 4G device. Photo: Viettel

For poor and near-poor households who cannot afford to switch to 4G, Viettel Telecom has set aside 40 billion VND to support the donation of 4G push-button phones (Feature Phone). The program initially applies to about 100,000 customers in more than 1,700 disadvantaged communes, especially in mountainous, ethnic minority, and coastal areas.

In particular, after storm No. 3 - Yagi caused serious damage to the North of our country - which was also one of the reasons why the Ministry of Information and Communications postponed the deadline for stopping providing services for 2G Only devices by 1 month, Viettel Telecom decided to expand the scope of support, giving away 700,000 4G phones to almost all remaining 2G customers to complete the conversion to 4G. The total budget for the program is up to nearly 300 billion VND.

Di tu ngo, go cua tung nha, ra tung nguoi- la cach lam quyet liet cua Viettel Telecom nham som hoan thanh chuong trinh chuyen doi 2G len 4G. Anh: Viettel
Going from alley to door, knocking on each door, checking each person - is Viettel Telecom's drastic approach to soon complete the 2G to 4G conversion program. Photo: Viettel

According to Viettel Telecom General Director, Mr. Cao Anh Son, the story of Viettel Telecom's 2G to 4G conversion is no longer a business problem, but the enterprise is fulfilling its responsibility to the country, to the people, and is a responsibility and sentiment to show gratitude to customers who have accompanied and trusted Viettel. Therefore, it must be done in the most humane and effective way, so that all people have access to new technology, so that no one is left behind.

The roadmap for implementing the customer support program to switch to 4G is also carried out by the enterprise with the goal of providing incentives to the right target audience, solving the root problems of each specific customer group. Each step forward in technology is not only a step forward in business but also a step forward in building a more comprehensive and inclusive information society.

“When 2G is no longer available, it means that customers are all on 4G and 5G infrastructure. Almost 100% of Vietnamese people can access internet services and the world's knowledge base through smartphones. That is an important factor for Viettel Telecom to build digital products, following the 4G and 5G infrastructure to promote national digital transformation,” affirmed the General Director of Viettel Telecom./.

Mimi Trần

Viettel chạy đua nước rút để người dân đều có điện thoại kết nối Internet

Hương Giang |

Gần 10 triệu điện thoại “cục gạch” đã và đang được Viettel chuyển đổi, để mỗi người dân Việt Nam đều tiếp cận được Internet di động, không ai bị bỏ lại phía sau trong hành trình chuyển đổi số quốc gia.

Viettel sẵn sàng phủ sóng mạng 5G tại Đắk Lắk


Đắk Lắk - Trong năm 2024, Viettel Đắk Lắk sẽ đưa sóng 5G phủ sóng rộng rãi, liền mạch, đến tận vùng sâu, vùng xa, vùng biên giới ở trên địa bàn tỉnh.

Viettel hỗ trợ chuyển đổi máy 4G miễn phí cho toàn bộ khách hàng

Mimi Trần |

Chương trình chỉ áp dụng từ nay đến hết ngày 15.10.2024. Khách hàng đủ điều kiện sẽ nhận được tin nhắn mời đến các cửa hàng Viettel hoặc liên hệ với nhân viên Viettel trên địa bàn để được hỗ trợ.

Làm thơ đăng Facebook bị đánh: Bài thơ mang tính trào phúng


Quảng Bình - Liên quan đến vụ người đàn ông bị đánh vì đăng thơ lên Facebook, chính quyền địa phương đã có những thông tin cụ thể về sự việc.

Bán được hơn 62.000 vé tàu Tết 2025, còn nhiều vé các ngày

Huyền Trân |

TPHCM - Sau 2 tuần mở bán vé tàu Tết Ất Tỵ 2025, đến nay đã bán được hơn 62.000 vé. Hiện vẫn còn nhiều vé tàu đi trong dịp Tết.

Thị trường viễn thông trước thời điểm tắt sóng 2G


Chỉ còn một ngày nữa mạng 2G sẽ bị ngừng cung cấp dịch vụ tại Việt Nam. Các nhà mạng cho biết sẽ chặn thiết bị sau ngày 15.10 nhưng bảo lưu tài khoản để khách hàng có thời gian chuyển đổi.

Nhiều người ủng hộ bốc thăm môn thứ 3 thi lớp 10

Nhóm PV |

Nhiều ý kiến cho rằng, việc bốc thăm môn thi thứ 3 vào lớp 10 THPT là phù hợp, giúp cho việc học đồng đều trở nên tốt hơn.

Quốc học Huế - kỷ lục 7 học sinh vào chung kết Olympia


HUẾ - Trường THPT chuyên Quốc học Huế, nơi Quán quân Đường lên đỉnh Olympia 2024 - Võ Quang Phú Đức theo học được thành lập theo sắc dụ của vua Thành Thái.

Viettel races to ensure everyone has a phone with Internet connection

Hương Giang |

Nearly 10 million "brick" phones have been and are being converted by Viettel, so that every Vietnamese citizen can access mobile Internet, and no one is left behind in the national digital transformation journey.

Viettel is ready to cover 5G network in Dak Lak


Dak Lak - In 2024, Viettel Dak Lak will bring 5G coverage widely and seamlessly to remote, isolated, and border areas in the province.

Viettel supports free 4G device conversion for all customers

Mimi Trần |

The program is only applicable from now until October 15, 2024. Eligible customers will receive a text message inviting them to visit Viettel stores or contact Viettel staff in the area for support.