Any form of walking can burn calories, support fat loss and weight loss. You can combine walking with some other strategies to speed up this process.
Running too much will cause muscles to erode without time to recover. This will destroy your metabolism. Therefore, there are some ways to combine walking with running to help you burn more fat than running.
Counting your steps
Number of steps is one of the factors that contribute to fat loss. You can use integrated applications on your phone to count your steps while walking.
If you achieve a walking goal of 7,000 steps or more per day, you can gradually increase by 1,000 steps every 2-3 weeks.
Add weight
One way to increase the challenge of walking is to add weight such as carrying an extra backpack and dumbbells. This increases your heart rate more than regular walking. Thereby, increasing the burning of calories and effectively reducing fat.
Walking uphill
Walking uphill helps you achieve your fat loss goals faster. You can adjust the incline on a treadmill.