At the Muong Ang District Labor Federation, Mr. Pham Thanh Tung - Vice Chairman of the Dien Bien Provincial Labor Federation sent best wishes to union members, civil servants and the district Labor Federation. At the same time, he expressed his hope that in the coming time, the district Labor Federation will continue to promote the achieved results, perform well the functions and tasks of the trade union organization, continue to care for and devote resources to union members and workers in difficult circumstances, so that union members and workers can all celebrate a warm and joyful Tet.
On this occasion, the Provincial Federation of Labor presented 176 gifts, each worth 500,000 VND in cash, to union members and workers in difficult circumstances in the district. At the meeting, comrade Pham Thanh Tung presented 15 gifts to union members in difficult circumstances.
This is a very practical and meaningful activity organized by the Trade Union during the Tet holiday, creating an exciting atmosphere for union members and workers to strive to fulfill their tasks, compete in production and business, contributing to socio-economic development in 2025.