Digital transformation to manage sugarcane raw material areas in Gia Lai


Gia Lai - Digital transformation has helped to make payment for wages and raw materials for farmers more efficient, saving labor.

On October 7, the Trade Union of An Khe Sugar Factory, Gia Lai Province (under Quang Ngai Sugar Joint Stock Company) announced that the unit had just been honored at the "Vietnam Digital Transformation 2024" Award ceremony.

Cong nhan dong goi duong thanh pham tai Nha may duong An Khe. Anh: Thanh Tuan
Workers pack finished sugar at An Khe Sugar Factory. Photo: Thanh Tuan

Mr. Vo Thanh Dang - General Director of Quang Ngai Sugar Joint Stock Company was honored to represent and receive the "Vietnam Digital Transformation 2024" Award.

In which, the company's solution is to build a "System for managing raw material areas, receiving and paying for sugarcane at An Khe Sugar Factory".

Mr. Vo Dinh Ha - Chairman of the Trade Union of An Khe Sugar Factory said that digital transformation helps businesses effectively, economically and transparently manage the large raw material areas of people in Gia Lai province.

"Paying wages, raw materials, and production costs for farmers is also highly effective, saving labor thanks to technology," Mr. Ha shared.

An Khe Sugar Factory is currently purchasing sugarcane raw materials in 3 major localities of Gia Lai province including: An Khe town, Kbang district, Dak Po district.

In production and business activities, An Khe Sugar Factory also creates jobs and stabilizes the lives of hundreds of workers.

Canh dong mia bat ngan tai huyen Kbang. Anh: Thanh Tuan
Vast sugarcane fields in Kbang district. Photo: Thanh Tuan

Every year, the company sets targets for labor competition, innovation, and technical improvement. For each creative idea that is put into production and brings benefits and efficiency, the company will reward 2,000,000 VND/initiative.

Since the beginning of the year, workers at An Khe Sugar Factory have had 7 initiatives, with an average of 25-30 initiatives applied each year.

Every year, the Factory Union and the General Director of Quang Ngai Sugar Joint Stock Company sign a collective labor agreement between the business owner and the employees; 100% of workers are covered by social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance according to the provisions of law.


MB được vinh danh là “Doanh nghiệp chuyển đổi số xuất sắc” năm 2024

Thuận Hiền |

Tại Vietnam Digital Awards 2024, Ngân hàng TMCP Quân đội (MB) vinh dự được vinh danh là “Doanh nghiệp chuyển đổi số xuất sắc” với ba sản phẩm số tiêu biểu là phần mềm quản lý bán hàng mSeller, vòng thời trang thanh toán MB Stellar và thẻ MB JCB Be The Sky.

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