Kien Giang organizes voter meetings on revised Trade Union Law


Kien Giang - Many voters have proposed recommendations on issues of concern in the field of social life as well as the revised Trade Union Law.

On October 8, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province coordinated with the National Assembly Delegation of Kien Giang province, the Provincial Federation of Labor, and departments and branches to organize a meeting with voters and National Assembly deputies on the topic "Trade Union Law" (amended).

Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Be - Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Kien Giang province said that the meeting aimed to inform voters of the expected agenda of the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly; listen to and grasp the thoughts and aspirations of voters; record and summarize the recommendations and issues raised by voters in the process of implementing the Party's guidelines and the State's legal policies on the "Trade Union Law" (amended) in general and Kien Giang province at present to report and reflect at the upcoming 8th session of the National Assembly.

Ba Nguyen Thi Kim Be - Pho truong doan chuyen trach DBQH don vi tinh Kien Giang phat bieu. Anh: Nguyen Anh
Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Be - Deputy Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Kien Giang province spoke. Photo: Nguyen Anh

During the meeting, many voters contributed their opinions and recommendations on issues of concern in the implementation of the Party's guidelines and the State's legal policies related to various areas of social life as well as the amended Trade Union Law in general and Kien Giang province at present. During the implementation process, there were any difficulties, inadequacies, or problems that needed to be replaced or supplemented, amended appropriately, and there were opinions and recommendations for the provincial and central leaders in the coming time.

Such as the issue of joining the Union of foreign companies, foreign workers; improving inspection and supervision in the Union organization and policies in the inspection committee; issues related to the Union funding source, regulations on sanctions in enterprises regarding the payment of Union funds, daycare for workers' children...

Nhieu cu tri da quan tam dong gop y kien, de xuat cua minh trong buoi tiep xuc. Anh: Nguyen Anh
Many voters were interested in contributing their opinions and suggestions during the meeting. Photo: Nguyen Anh

Voters representing union members and workers in grassroots unions listened to representatives of provincial departments and branches explain, receive, resolve and clarify a number of issues raised under the province's authority, and also provided additional information on the contents and solutions to be implemented in the coming time, which received high consensus from delegates and voters.

With their responsibilities, the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Provincial Committee and the National Assembly Delegation of the provincial unit will synthesize voters' opinions and recommendations and report to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and local competent authorities for consideration, resolution and response.

On this occasion, the Provincial Federation of Labor also presented 50 gifts (each worth 1 million VND) to union members and workers in difficult circumstances.


Tập huấn thi đua khen thưởng cho cán bộ Công đoàn


Kiên Giang - 65 học viên là cán bộ Công đoàn phụ trách công tác thi đua khen thưởng và Kế toán công đoàn cơ sở trên địa bàn huyện U Minh Thượng tham dự.

Kiên Giang tập huấn nghiệp vụ cho cán bộ Công đoàn


Kiên Giang - Các học viên được tiếp thu những nội dung về công tác chính sách pháp luật, thi đua khen thưởng, tuyên giáo, văn phòng trong hoạt động Công đoàn.

18 năm ở nhờ, nữ đoàn viên xã đảo có nhà Mái ấm Công đoàn


Kiên Giang - Sau 18 năm ở nhờ nhà bà con, nữ đoàn viên ở xã đảo đã có được ngôi nhà mới của riêng gia đình mình.

Cơ hội mới từ diễn đàn "Kết nối Doanh nghiệp - 2024"

Tường Minh |

Những thông tin và cam kết từ diễn đàn “Kết nối Doanh nghiệp - 2024” hứa hẹn mang lại cho doanh nghiệp Đà Nẵng những cơ hội phát triển mới.

Đối tượng cần lưu ý, khẩn trương tiêm vaccine sốt xuất huyết

Hoàng Xuyến - Việt Anh |

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Giá đất tái định cư "trên trời", Bộ TNMT lên tiếng

Tạ Quang |

Bộ TNMT đề nghị UBND TP Cần Thơ chỉ đạo các cơ quan, đơn vị có liên quan kiểm tra, rà soát công tác bồi thường, hỗ trợ về giá đất tái định cư ở Cần Thơ.

Trắng tay sau sạt lở, hàng chục hộ dân phải dựng lán ở tạm

Khánh Linh |

Hòa Bình - Trước nguy cơ sạt lở đổ sập nhà, hàng chục hộ dân tại xóm Rài, xã Tuân Đạo, huyện Lạc Sơn phải dựng lán giữa cánh đồng ở tạm.

Mất khí đốt Nga, EU tê liệt tăng trưởng

Song Minh |

Việc Liên minh châu Âu (EU) từ chối mua năng lượng, khí đốt Nga đã làm tê liệt tăng trưởng kinh tế của khối này.

Training on emulation and rewards for union officials


Kien Giang - 65 trainees are Union officials in charge of emulation and reward work and grassroots union accountants in U Minh Thuong district.

Kien Giang provides professional training for union officials


Kien Giang - Trainees are taught about legal policies, emulation and rewards, propaganda, and office work in Trade Union activities.

18 years of living with others, female union member of island commune has a house at Trade Union Shelter


Kien Giang - After 18 years of living with relatives, a female union member in an island commune has a new house of her own.