On January 11, the Labor Federation of District 5, Ho Chi Minh City organized the program "Tet Sum Vay - Spring Solidarity" Spring At Ty 2025 to meet and give gifts to take care of Tet for union members and workers in difficult circumstances.
At the program, the Ho Chi Minh City Labor Federation presented 2 Tet gifts (worth 3 million VND/gift, from the budget of the Ho Chi Minh City Labor Federation) to 2 union members with especially difficult circumstances who are working in enterprises in District 5.
District 5 Labor Federation also presented 337 Tet gifts, each worth 1 million VND (including gifts and 700,000 VND) with a total value of 337 million VND to union members and workers.
Also on January 11, the District 5 Labor Federation, Ho Chi Minh City presented 362 gifts worth 1 million VND each (including gifts and 700,000 VND in cash) to union members in District 5 and presented gifts to 7 unions, each worth 2 million VND.
The total budget of District 5 Labor Federation to take care of Tet for union members, workers and unions is 713 million VND.