Comment event

To harmonize the interests of the State, people and businesses in land valuation

Hoàng Văn Minh |

After a short time of application in practice, Decree 71/2024/ND-CP regulating land prices, effective together with the 2024 Land Law, has begun to reveal problems and limitations.

If you don't have enough love, don't be a nanny

Hoàng Văn Minh |

Once again, public opinion was in uproar, outraged by the nannies' actions of beating, pressing pillows on children's heads, and even throwing them onto the mattress.

To attract FDI, technology needs capital and human resources

Lê Thanh Phong |

Foreign investors target Vietnam because they research and analyze many profitable opportunities. Vietnam has made many efforts to reform administration, build a favorable and stable investment environment along with many policies to support enterprises to produce and operate effectively.

The heart of the President of Marie Curie School with the children of Lang Nu

Lê Thanh Phong |

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Khang - Chairman of the Board of Marie Curie School (Hanoi) "adopts" until they are 18 years old all the children who escaped the flash flood in Lang Nu village.

4th graders repeat 1st grade and fake achievements in soccer

Hoàng Văn Minh |

The decision to ban the U11 Song Lam Nghe An (SLNA) football team from competing for 2 years after the age fraud incident is a necessary and worthy decision.