Vitamin D is one of the essential nutrients that ensures the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin D plays a major role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from food. This nutrient also helps build a healthy immune system.
Breakfast cereals and fruits and nuts soaked in milk make a snack rich in vitamin D and many other nutrients. Choose any cereal you like, adding nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds and chia seeds.
Egg yolks provide a rich source of vitamin D. Making an omelet makes for a nutritious and delicious breakfast.
In addition to milk, you can combine breakfast with a smoothie. You can make this healthy drink by blending fruits, nuts with a sufficient amount of yogurt. Yogurt not only provides vitamin D, but also helps your digestive system run smoothly.
Mushroom noodles
Mushrooms contain a significant amount of vitamin D. You can make noodles with mushrooms and milk for a vitamin D-rich breakfast.