List of teas that help lose weight and detoxify the lungs

BÍCH NGỌC (theo the health site) |

Herbal teas not only help with weight control, but can also aid in lung cleansing.

Herbal drinks like ginger, peppermint, and turmeric teas can support lung health by reducing inflammation, clearing mucus, and soothing uncomfortable respiratory symptoms.

Ginger tea

Ginger, or adrak tea can support the immune system, lose weight. The anti-inflammatory properties of the tea can soothe respiratory problems and help clear mucus, supporting your health.

Peppermint tea

Drinking peppermint tea will help you feel full for a long time, prevent calorie consumption, support weight loss. Menthol in peppermint tea also acts as a natural decongestant, soothes the respiratory tract, reduces coughs and improves breathing by relaxing bronchial muscles.

Tra bac ha co the giup giam can. Do hoa: Quynh Trang
Peppermint tea can help lose weight and purify the lungs. Graphic photo: Quynh Trang

Turmeric tea

Rich in curcumin, turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects, which help reduce lung inflammation, aid in preventing respiratory infections, boost metabolism, and promote feelings of fullness.

Eucalyptus tea

Eucalyptus tea has natural expectorant properties, which help clear mucus from the respiratory tract, reducing coughs and respiratory congestion.

In addition, eucalyptus tea also helps burn energy, burn lipids, and support weight control.

Licorice root tea

Licorice root tea helps soothe the throat, reduce inflammation in the lungs, support respiratory health, improve digestive health, and aid weight loss.

Mullein Flower Tea

Mullein tea is known for its soothing effects on the respiratory tract. It helps reduce inflammation, relieve coughs and clear phlegm, supporting overall lung health.

BÍCH NGỌC (theo the health site)

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