Lose weight fast with 10 low-calorie fruits

Hoài Lan (dịch Eat this, Not that) |

To lose weight effectively, add the following fruits to your diet.

Lose weight with watermelon

With just 46 calories per 152g, watermelon is a great choice for weight loss. In addition to being a low-calorie, nutritious fruit to enjoy on warm days, watermelon also provides vitamins A, B6, C and has less sugar than many other fruits.

Lose weight fast with strawberries

Strawberries contain 48.6 calories of juice per 144g and are rich in antioxidants. This fruit provides 3g of fiber and vitamin C, which effectively supports weight loss.

Effective weight loss watermelon

With 54 calories of juice per 160g, cantaloupe is not only delicious but also helps you lose weight. Cantaloupe provides vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants, which help boost your health.

Cac loai trai cay giup giam can nhanh chong. Anh: Hoai Lan
Fruits that help you lose weight quickly. Graphics: Hoai Lan

Lose weight with green melon

With only 61 juice calories per 177g, cantaloupe is an ideal fruit for weight loss. This juice provides vitamin C, which helps support immunity and heart health.

Healthy Weight Loss with Raspberries

Each 123g serving of raspberries contains about 62 calories and nearly 8g of fiber. This fruit will help you feel full longer and improve your gut health, making it more effective for weight loss.

Papaya helps lose weight fast

Each cup of papaya juice contains 63 calories with about 150g. This fruit is a great choice for those who want to lose weight. Besides, papaya helps people improve digestion.

Lose weight safely with peaches

With only 63 calories per 154g, peaches provide more than 2g of fiber that is beneficial for the intestines. The natural pigment in peaches also helps reduce bad cholesterol, supporting the weight loss process more effectively.

Lose Weight Significantly With Raspberries

Raspberries contain 64 calories per 127g and provide 8g of fiber. This fruit aids digestion and makes you feel full. This is an ideal fruit for your weight loss plan.

Sustainable weight loss with blueberries

Blueberries have 85 calories per 148g. They can help lower cholesterol and improve blood sugar levels after meals, supporting weight loss goals.

Lose weight naturally with apples

An apple has less than 100 calories, which helps reduce cravings. Apples also help lower blood pressure and improve gut health. Apples can help speed up your weight loss process.

Hoài Lan (dịch Eat this, Not that)

Giảm cân hiệu quả tại nhà với 5 loại nước thảo mộc

Hoài Lan (Theo Timesofindia) |

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TUỆ NHI (THEO The healthsite) |

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3 loại đậu giúp giảm cân nếu nấu đúng cách


Các loại đậu có nhiều protein, chất xơ và tạo cảm giác no. Nếu được chế biến đúng cách, đậu sẽ có lợi cho việc giảm cân và mỡ.

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Hoàng Xuyến - Việt Anh |

Theo các chuyên gia, trong bối cảnh giá vàng tăng cao, người dân nên cẩn trọng khi đầu tư vào vàng. Dự kiến, chứng khoán là một thị trường đầu tư tiềm năng.

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Lose weight effectively at home with 5 herbal drinks

Hoài Lan (Theo Timesofindia) |

To lose weight effectively at home, you can consider drinking some herbal water after dinner.

Suggested 7-minute morning exercise to help lose weight quickly

TUỆ NHI (THEO The healthsite) |

If you consistently apply the 7-minute exercise every morning, you will achieve your weight loss goal quickly.

3 types of beans help you lose weight if cooked properly


Beans are high in protein, fiber, and are filling. When prepared properly, beans can be beneficial for weight loss and fat loss.