Lose Weight and Lower Blood Sugar by Eating This Bean

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ Recipes & Dietitianshell) |

Green beans are a food that is said to be effective in weight loss and lowering blood sugar.

Lose weight by eating green beans for breakfast

In 100g of green beans there are about 105 calories; 7.02g of protein; 0.38g of fat; 19.15g of carbohydrates; 7.6g of fiber...

If you use green beans to replace a main meal, without eating any other dishes, you need to eat about 300g of green beans, equivalent to 315 calories. It can be seen that the amount of calories from a full meal (meal) with green beans is much lower than the amount of calories from a meal provided to the body. This shows that eating green beans has the effect of losing weight.

In addition, the fiber and protein in mung beans also have the ability to inhibit hunger hormones, while also promoting the release of hormones that help you feel full faster and stay full longer.

To maximize weight loss by eating green beans, you should eat green bean dishes for breakfast. Because in the morning the stomach is empty, adding green beans will help the body absorb beneficial nutrients, while limiting fat absorption. In the evening, 2 hours before going to bed, if you drink a cup of green beans, you will not be tormented by hunger.

Simple ways to lower blood sugar

With high fiber and protein content, green beans help sugar to be released into the blood more slowly. The antioxidants vitexin and isovitexin in green beans also have the effect of reducing blood sugar and helping insulin work more effectively, helping to control diabetes.

Diabetics should eat green beans properly, that is, should not eat too much and often for a long time. Need to combine and balance with other plant groups.

Kiều Vũ (Tổng hợp từ Recipes & Dietitianshell)

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Cách hạ đường huyết không cần thuốc

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