The compounds in onions can prevent platelets from clotting and speed up the process of dissolving blood clots. Therefore, when enjoying fatty foods, it is best to combine them with a little onion, which will help improve the blood clotting caused by fatty foods.
Onions can also lower blood sugar levels, and the effects are the same whether eaten raw or cooked. Onions contain an antidiabetic compound, similar to the commonly used oral hypoglycemic drug methamphetamine, which can stimulate the synthesis and release of insulin.
Onions are one of the few vegetables that contain prostaglandin A.
Prostaglandin A is a powerful vasodilator that can soften blood vessels, reduce blood viscosity, increase coronary blood flow, and promote the release of sodium salts and other substances that cause high blood pressure.
We can cook onions with eggs, stir-fried beef with onions, these are all delicious and healthy dishes. Onions can also be eaten raw or juiced.