Benefits of practicing balancing on one leg


People who can balance on one leg for more than ten seconds live longer, says Dr. Krishna .

The benefits of balancing on one leg come from research by Kyoto University of Medicine (Japan). In it, researchers examined 1,387 people aged 65 to 70 years old.

The test requires participants to balance on one leg for a minute, but 95.8% cannot stand for more than 20 seconds.

Scientists concluded that if you cannot balance on one leg for no more than 20 seconds, you have a high risk of stroke .

A new study based on 1,700 people living in Brazil between the ages of 51 and 75 reached similar conclusions and adds to the evidence for the benefits of the one-legged balance.

Participants were asked to stand on one leg for 10 seconds, with one foot flexed and touching the calf of the other leg.

A group of scientists monitored their health status and found that people who could not balance on one leg for at least 10-20 seconds had a higher risk of death from stroke than people who could completely balance. completed the test to 17.5%.

Meanwhile, Dr. Murali Krishna, health physician and neurologist consultant at CARE Hospital, Malakpet, Hyderabad (India) said that with the lack of physical activity in daily life, the balance of The body tends to be more disturbed and you will feel more tired.

This factor can not only affect your lifespan but also affect your body's health. Therefore, practicing by exercising and doing more physical activity will help you improve your health.

To achieve this goal, one of the methods shown by Dr. Murali Krishna is to practice by balancing on one leg for more than 10 seconds. This physical activity will help you increase your physical condition and longevity.

Dr. Krishna shares, the secret to doing this exercise well is to continue practicing standing on one leg regularly and whenever you are free.

“With each workout, you will have the opportunity to improve the ability of your brain and muscles to function effectively during exercise. Because, the brain has the ability to form new neural connections and can learn to recalibrate the coordination between the different organs involved during exercise," Dr. Krishna said.

She also said that working your muscles more can also improve your balance and stability.

Additionally, incorporating yoga poses will be a great choice to improve leg stability and can help balance the body.

Medical experts also recommend that trying to improve the ability to balance on one leg can help us increase muscle health and prolong life , especially in the elderly group, when Muscle and bone function are no longer strong.


Tuổi thọ người Việt tăng và hiện trạng "già trước khi giàu"

Hà Trần |

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Tuấn Đạt (Theo Health) |

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Khách Hàn Quốc đổ xô du lịch Việt Nam dịp Trung Thu

Đan Thanh |

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