Reasons why you should not drink carbonated soft drinks during menstruation

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

According to Healthshots, during menstruation, drinking carbonated soft drinks can cause some unwanted effects, even cramps.

Soft drinks and menstrual cramps

Drinking soft drinks may lead to menstrual cramps, according to a study published in Scientific Reports. In the study, 1,809 female college students in China completed questionnaires about soft drinks and menstruation. Nearly half of the participants were diagnosed with primary dysmenorrhea.

Researchers found that women who drank carbonated soft drinks had a 24% higher risk of experiencing menstrual cramps than those who did not drink these beverages.

Another study published in the International Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, Contraception and Reproduction also found that 89.54% of participants who drank carbonated soft drinks during their period experienced more menstrual cramps.

Dr. Vishnoi (India) said: "Drinking carbonated soft drinks may not be the main cause of menstrual cramps, but drinking them regularly, especially in large quantities, can aggravate this symptom and even cause other negative health effects."

Several factors may contribute to carbonated soft drinks causing or worsening menstrual cramps:

High sugar content: Sodas are often high in sugar, which can increase inflammation in the body. This can increase pain sensitivity and lead to more severe cramps. High sugar intake can also cause a spike in insulin levels, which can increase prostaglandin production, leading to more severe cramps.

Caffeine: Many soft drinks contain caffeine, which, while it may provide temporary pain relief, can also constrict blood vessels, making cramps worse.

Carbonation and bloating: Carbonation in soft drinks can cause bloating, which can aggravate menstrual cramps. Additionally, the increased pressure in the abdomen due to bloating can add to the feeling of cramps.

Acidic: Sodas are acidic, leading to increased production of stomach acid. This can cause digestive upset and bloating, contributing to menstrual cramps.

Nutrient deficiencies: Drinking carbonated beverages instead of water, herbal teas or fresh juices can lead to deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals. Deficiencies in nutrients such as calcium, magnesium and B vitamins can contribute to increased menstrual cramps.

THÙY DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots)

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