Protein helps build muscle and maintain body composition. Consuming protein-rich foods also helps control appetite.

In addition to its high protein content, asparagus also contains many nutrients, vitamins A, B, K, copper, manganese, phosphorus and magnesium. Fructooligosaccharides in asparagus help stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut microbiome.
Broccoli is rich in protein and almost calories, helping the body feel full for a long time as well as providing a large amount of plant compounds and flavonoids. This vegetable also helps improve some health conditions such as reducing high cholesterol levels, protecting the cardiovascular system.
Spinach is high in protein and many essential amino acids. This vegetable also contains folate, manganese, magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, vitamins A, C and compounds with excellent antioxidant properties.
Linh grass sprouts
Linh grass sprouts are almost calorie-free but rich in vitamins B, C, K and minerals. This food is actually good for reducing bad cholesterol, menopausal symptoms and preventing osteoporosis.
Not only rich in protein, Chinese cabbage also contains calcium, potassium, manganese, iron, vitamins A, C and K. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, this vegetable helps prevent cell damage.
How to eat green vegetables to lose weight healthily
In addition to some of the above protein-rich vegetables, most vegetables usually contain 1 - 3 g of protein/100 g. This number is much less than 12 g/ further egg or 20 g in beans and chicken. To get a significant amount of protein, it requires eating a lot of vegetables.
For this reason, if you are on a weight loss diet (or any healthy diet), you should combine vegetables with other foods. Here are some tips:
Although beneficial for health, vegetables should not only be used for weight loss because this will cause the body to lose energy as well as lack the necessary nutrients.
Vegetables should be cooked over medium heat and do not need to add too much spices.
Include vegetables and protein in all your meals.
To effectively achieve weight loss, vegetables should be accompanied by other animal or plant protein sources.
Vegetables can be used in dishes such as fried eggs, fried eggs or tofuep noodles, but ideally, it is still made in salad.
In addition to adding green vegetables to your meals to lose weight, you also need to have a varied and balanced diet, combined with regular exercise. To have a diet that suits your needs, you can refer to additional advice from a nutritionist.