Ministry of Health responds to proposal to increase starting salary for doctors
When developing a professional salary table, the Ministry of Health issued Official Letter No. 1731/BYT-TCCB dated April 5, 2024 to the Ministry of Home Affairs proposing:
Add the main doctor (grade II), main preventive medicine doctor (grade II), main pharmacist (grade II) to Group 3;
Add the subjects of doctors (grade III), preventive medicine doctors (grade III), pharmacists (grade III) to Group 5.
Because these subjects have a long training period, the entrance score is often higher than other schools and they do professional internships during high-intensity study, with high exposure to disease sources and toxic and dangerous environments.
Require the volume of credit study of doctors, preventive medicine doctors, and pharmacists meeting the output standard to level 7; Require the volume of credit study of main doctors, general practitioners, and pharmacists meeting the output standard to level 8 as prescribed in Decision No. 1982/QD-TTg dated October 18, 2016 issued by the Prime Minister approving the national qualification framework for Vietnam. However, this content has not been considered.
The Ministry of Health will continue to propose this content after receiving instructions from the Government, the Prime Minister, the State Salary Steering Committee and the Ministry of Home Affairs. See more

Revoking a series of products that do not ensure food safety
The Food Safety Department (Ministry of Health) issued a Decision to recall products that do not ensure food safety.
Regarding the reason for revocation, there are products that do not have a Certificate of food safety eligibility to meet the requirements for good manufacturing practice (GMP) according to regulations.
Some products are listed on the label as "Gifts are not for sale, internal circulation goods", but have actually been launched on the market. The company has not announced the product according to regulations. See more
There is no medical evidence for blood filtration to prevent blood fat and stroke
Recently, social networks have appeared advertisements about a number of other applications of blood filtration and huyet tuong filtration to help prevent diseases related to blood lipids, stroke or eliminate toxins in healthy people. Faced with this situation, the Ho Chi Minh City Department of Health has just organized a Workshop on updating scientific evidence on the indication of blood filtration and huyet tuong filtration in the treatment of hyper triglycerides and dyslipidemia.
Experts agree that huyet tuong replacement therapy should continue to be performed according to the recommendation of the American Blood Spatification Association - ASFA (2023). The expansion of the designation requires more legal basis, medical evidence and consensus from competent authorities.
Experts confirmed that there is not enough medical evidence or legal basis to apply this method to prevent diseases related to blood lipids, stroke or eliminate toxins in healthy people. There needs to be more valuable clinical studies to assess more accurately the effectiveness and safety of this technique for other diseases. See more

Timely emergency care for rare spinal cord stroke patient
On March 17, Hoan My Cuu Long Hospital announced that it had just successfully treated a rare case of spinal cord stroke.
The patient named P.V.D (66 years old, Vinh Long province) was admitted to the hospital in a state of paralysis in the right half of his body.
According to the family, about 3.5 hours after being admitted to the hospital, the patient was doing normal activities when he suddenly had pain in the neck and chest, then numbness and weakness in the right leg.
Through medical history and initial examination, emergency doctors made a preliminary assessment that this was a suspected case of acute cerebral stroke. Immediately, the hospital activated the CODE STROKE process - the emergency procedure for acute stroke patients.

However, after conducting tests and MRI scans, the doctors discovered that the patient had an excretion of blood outside the cervical spine, causing spinal cord compression. The patient was diagnosed with an excretion of the hard - dark spinal cord with acute spinal cord compression.
Doctors held a consultation and decided to perform emergency surgery to remove the blood clot, releasing the spinal cord compress.
The surgery was successful, the patient recovered quickly, and the muscles and limbs almost returned to normal after 5 days of treatment. See more