Cách giảm cân

Daily habits that ruin your chances of losing weight

Thanh Thanh (Theo Eat this not that) |

Everyday habits that sabotage your chances of losing weight, like eating too many healthy snacks, not getting enough sleep...

2 low-calorie meat lunch recipes to help reduce fat and lose weight

Thanh Thanh |

Eat this not that page offers a recipe for a low-calorie meat lunch to help reduce fat and lose weight. This helps control calories, protein, fat, fiber...

4 ways to make protein-rich sandwiches to help you lose weight

THUỲ DƯƠNG (THEO healthshots) |

Sandwiches are a popular and loved dish, here are 4 ways to add protein to this dish to help lose weight .

Easy weight loss tips to do before breakfast

Thanh Thanh (Theo Eat this not that) |

Easy weight loss tips to do before breakfast such as drinking lots of water when you wake up, exercising, sunbathing...

Simple weight loss secret with raspberries

Quỳnh Anh |

Effective weight loss does not just rely on diet or exercise, but also requires a comprehensive and correct strategy.

Five recipes for cooking that are good for cardiovascular health and help with weight loss


Below are the recipes for cooking that are good for cardiovascular health and also help lose weight as shared by nutrition expert Ramya B (India).

Combining intermittent walking and strength training to lose weight


To accelerate the weight loss process, you should combine intermittent walking and strength training.

Tips for Overcoming Weight Plateaus to Effectively Reduce Visceral Fat


During the process of weight loss and visceral fat reduction, we may experience weight stagnation. Therefore, it is necessary to apply some tips to overcome weight stagnation and effectively reduce visceral fat.

How to lose weight quickly, how long does it take to be effective?

Quỳnh Anh |

Losing weight for beauty is the need of many people, but there needs to be an effective way to lose weight so as not to affect health.

The best time to drink honey lemon water for weight loss


Drinking lemon water with honey at the following times can effectively support weight loss.

Benefits of passion fruit in reducing visceral fat


Passion fruit contains nutrients and amino acids that are good for reducing visceral fat.

Lose weight successfully with 6 ways

Quỳnh Anh |

Losing weight is a physical journey and a mental challenge. To achieve results if there is proper planning and strategy.

How to effectively burn visceral fat after exercise


After exercising, we need to maintain healthy eating habits to burn visceral fat and lose weight more effectively.

Things to do to reduce visceral fat and lose weight


Limiting saturated fat, controlling stress... are things to do to reduce visceral fat and lose weight .

3 ways to not stagnate in the weight loss and fat loss process

HẠ MÂY (Theo healthshots) |

The cause of weight stagnation when losing weight or fat may be due to changes in metabolism and reduced calorie needs, muscle loss, loss of water weight... Therefore, we You need to take some steps to promote your weight loss process .