Giảm mỡ bụng

2 foods you should not eat for breakfast if you want to lose belly fat

Trần Hương (Theo Eatthis) |

Not only is it beneficial for reducing belly fat, limiting your intake of these foods can make it easier to reach your health goals.

Weight loss and belly fat reduction menu for gym goers

Hương Giang (Theo Bệnh viện Đa khoa Medlatec) |

Gym workouts for weight loss will not be as effective as you want if you keep eating indiscriminately.

Swimming tips to help lose weight and reduce belly fat most effectively

Nhóm PV (Stylecraze) |

Swimming is an exercise that can help you cool off, lose weight , and tone your muscles all at the same time.

3 effective ways to lose weight and burn belly fat for postpartum women


Getting back in shape after giving birth is the dream of many women. Here are some tips to help women lose weight safely after giving birth.

Why sit-ups still can't reduce belly fat

Thục Quyên (Theo |

Many men believe that crunches will reduce belly fat , but this is not true.

Drinks That Are Seemingly Good But Should Be Avoided If You Want to Lose Belly Fat

Trần Hương (Theo Eatthis) |

Although these drinks may seem healthy and good for you, they can actually hinder your belly fat loss efforts.

Reduce belly fat effectively by eating lots of soluble fiber

Thục Quyên (Theo Healthline) |

Belly fat can increase your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other health problems. Eating more soluble fiber can help reduce belly fat, according to Healthline.

Detox water recipe helps lose weight and reduce belly fat quickly


Every day, you only need to drink 2 liters of cucumber detox water to help lose weight and reduce belly fat quickly.

Reduce belly fat effectively when exercising with rope

Trần Hương (Theo Eatthis) |

This exercise helps burn maximum calories and tightens your core muscles effectively, especially reducing belly fat .

4 types of fiber suitable for reducing belly fat


Fiber plays an important role in supporting belly fat loss thanks to its ability to improve digestion and effectively reduce belly fat.

2 delicious snacks to help reduce belly fat

Trần Hương (Theo Eatthis) |

Nutritionists recommend snacks that are both delicious and have a positive impact on your belly fat loss plan.

Get rid of belly fat in 11 natural, easy-to-follow ways

Thục Quyên (theo |

Losing belly fat is not simply about focusing on exercising in the abdominal area, but also about changing your lifestyle and having a suitable, healthy diet.

Losing weight by fasting does not reduce belly fat

Kiều Vũ (tổng hợp từ webmd &smh) |

Choosing to lose weight by fasting to reduce belly fat is a mistake.

2 foods make losing belly fat difficult


If you try all week to follow a systematic exercise regimen but still don't lose belly fat , the culprit may be your diet, especially the following two foods.

Plank with resistance bands unexpectedly reduces belly fat

Trần Hương (Theo Eatthis) |

When combined with resistance bands, the plank variation enhances the exercise with challenges that help burn more calories and reduce belly fat .