Thu hồi đất

People enjoy additional benefits when the State recovers land

Minh Huy (T/H) |

Clause 2, Article 91 of the Land Law 2024 stipulates 4 forms of compensation when the State recovers land, increasing people's rights.

After one year, Ho Chi Minh City has a new special mechanism


After a year of having a special mechanism under Resolution 98, Ho Chi Minh City has implemented many important contents and achieved many basic results. However, the implementation of specific policies is still in the stage of preparing projects and projects calling for investment, so specific resources have not been mobilized.

Proposal to recover land because the company has not paid land use fees

Thành Nhân |

Inspectors of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment of Tien Giang province proposed to revoke the land of Hoang Kim Nhung Co., Ltd. because this enterprise has not paid land use fees.

Proposal to completely handle the 20-year case of land compensation claims


Binh Duong - Despite accepting the clearance regulations, hoi thu dat , but after 20 years, Mr. Chieu's land has not been compensated.

Support Plan for Employment of People Affected by Land Retrieval

Nhóm Pv |

Decision 12/2024/QĐ-TTg stipulates four support options for employment and vocational training for individuals affected by land requisition.

The province of Đắk Nông has reclaimed 2.3 hectares of forest land to arrange for permanent residence for the local people

Phan Tuấn |

- Dak Glong District has recently carried out land clearance, reclaimed land to arrange for the resettlement of people who are in the category of being cleared when implementing the hydropower project.

How to Support Agricultural Production When Agricultural Land is Withdrawn?

Trần Hương |

Households and individuals whose land is being reclaimed are supported in stabilizing production and business operations in accordance with Article 20 of Decree 88/2024/NĐ-CP.

Four Options for Job Support for Individuals Affected by Land Reclamation

Như Hạ |

Decision 12/2024/QĐ-TTg stipulates four support options for job placement and vocational training for individuals affected by land expropriation.

Revoke and abolish hundreds of projects and projects on golden land in Ha Long

Nguyễn Hùng |

Quang Ninh - Because it is no longer suitable and progress is slow, hundreds of projects and planning schemes, with a total area of ​​up to thousands of hectares in Ha Long, have been eliminated.

How will land acquired before August 1 be compensated?


Readers ask about the decision to revoke land before August 1, 2024, whether compensation is according to the Land Law 2013 or the Land Law 2024?

In case of land recovery, investment costs will be compensated

Trần Hương |

Some cases were compensated for remaining land investment costs when the State recovered land for defense and security purposes but were not compensated for the land.

Recovering 14,500 square meters of land for an urban beautification project in Hai Phong

Hoàng Khôi |

Tien Lang district ( Hai Phong ) has just had a meeting on land recovery and site clearance to implement an urban beautification project in the area.