Người cao tuổi

Does eating eggs make the brain sharper?

Ngọc Thuỳ (THEO healthshots) |

A recent study shows that eating eggs can help keep the brain sharp and prevent cognitive decline.

7 calcium-rich vegetables good for the bones of the elderly


When supplementing calcium for the body, in addition to drinking milk, we can eat more vegetables for good health.

2 best ways to supplement calcium for the elderly

Nhóm PV (Theo Aboluowang) |

Below are the 2 best ways to supplement calcium for the elderly that you can refer to.

Benefits of drinking calcium-fortified milk every day for people over 50 years old

HẠ MÂY (Theo aboluowang) |

People over 50 years old should drink a glass of milk every day, not only is it good for the body but also helps supplement calcium for bones and joints.

3 clean in middle-aged people help prolong life


In middle age, if you want to be healthy and live long , there are 3 body parts that need to be clean.

Foods that help prolong life in people over 60 years old

HẠ MÂY (Theo aboluowang) |

People over 60 years old who want to prolong their life should add berries to their daily diet because this fruit is rich in nutrients.

Substances that reduce calcium absorption in the elderly


There are some substances that, if taken in excess, can remove calcium from the body of the elderly.

What superfoods should people over 60 eat?

Nhóm PV (Theo Aboluowang) |

Berries are rich in nutrients and are beneficial for health. Therefore, people over 60 years old should add berries to their diet.

Elderly people in Hanoi are supported with 100% health insurance?

Hoàng Lê |

Elderly people from 70 to under 80 years old residing in Hanoi will be supported with 100% of health insurance premiums .

Times when people over 50 years old should not drink tea


Drinking tea has many health benefits. However, people over 50 years old need to pay attention to some times when they should not drink tea.

Tips for eating meat that is good for the health of the elderly


For the elderly, when eating meat , pay attention to certain types of meat for good health.

What habits should the elderly maintain to prolong their life?

Nhóm PV (Theo Aboluowang) |

For the elderly, if they want to achieve their health goals and prolong their life , they need to maintain the following habits.

Benefits of calcium supplementation before bedtime in the elderly

HẠ MÂY (Theo livestrong) |

Consuming calcium-rich foods or taking calcium supplements before bed may help older adults fall asleep and sleep better.

How long should people over 60 walk to prolong their life?

Nhóm PV (Theo Aboluowang) |

Regular exercise not only reduces the risk of diseases such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes but also has the potential to prolong life .

Daily Habits That Aid Weight Loss After 60

Nhóm PV (Theo Healthshots) |

The weight loss journey can be maintained after the age of 60 with great support from the habits below.