According to VNA, Minister of Home Affairs Pham Thi Thanh Tra, member of the Steering Committee for summarizing the implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW of the Government, has just sent an official dispatch to the Party's agencies and units at the Central level; the Delegation Work Committee; the National Assembly Office; the Office of the President; the Supreme People's Court; the Supreme People's Procuracy; the State Audit; ministries, ministerial-level agencies, government agencies; and People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities on the implementation of Decree No. 178/2024/ND-CP of the Government.
In this dispatch, Minister Pham Thi Thanh Tra said that, implementing the policy of arranging and streamlining the organizational apparatus associated with streamlining the payroll, restructuring, and improving the quality of the staff, civil servants, and public employees as required by the Central Steering Committee in Conclusion No. 09-KL/TW; based on Notice No. 49-TB/TW of the Politburo, the Government issued Decree No. 178/2024/ND-CP on policies and regimes for cadres, civil servants, public employees, workers and armed forces in implementing the arrangement of the organizational apparatus of the political system.
To effectively organize and implement the policy, the Government Steering Committee recommends that ministries, departments, branches and localities propagate and educate the political and ideological aspects of cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees, workers and armed forces, especially those affected by the reorganization of the apparatus, to promote a sense of responsibility, for the common good, sacrifice personal interests (if any) to implement the Party's policies, and create consensus among cadres, party members and the people.
Timely reward and encourage collectives and individuals with many achievements and contributions to agencies, organizations and units in the process of implementing organizational restructuring associated with streamlining payroll, restructuring and improving the quality of staff, civil servants and public employees.
Along with that, the Steering Committee proposed to urgently develop and promulgate specific criteria suitable to the characteristics, situation and practice of ministries, branches and localities associated with the assessment of cadres, civil servants and public employees.
Assign responsibility to Party committees, authorities, heads of agencies, organizations, and units employing cadres, civil servants, public employees, and workers under their management to decide on those who must quit their jobs due to organizational reorganization, staff streamlining, restructuring, and improving the quality of cadres, civil servants, and public employees.
Reduce at least 20% of civil servants and public employees receiving salaries from the state budget to reduce staffing according to the plan to arrange and streamline the organizational apparatus of ministries, departments, branches and localities in accordance with the roadmap for implementing policies prescribed in Decree No. 178/2024/ND-CP, ensuring that it does not affect the performance of tasks assigned by competent authorities.
Every Wednesday, report on implementation results and promptly propose solutions to remove obstacles and difficulties (if any) to the Ministry of Home Affairs (the standing agency of the Government Steering Committee) for reporting to competent authorities for consideration and decision.
Decree No. 178/2024/ND-CP on policies and regimes for cadres, civil servants, public employees, workers and armed forces in implementing the organizational arrangement of the political system was just issued by the Government on December 31, 2024, effective from January 1, 2025.